首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Good foragers can also be good at detecting predators.

Good foragers can also be good at detecting predators.




The degree to which foraging and vigilance are mutually exclusive is crucial to understanding the management of the predation and starvation risk trade-off in animals. We tested whether wild-caught captive chaffinches that feed at a higher rate do so at the expense of their speed in responding to a model sparrowhawk flying nearby, and whether consistently good foragers will therefore tend to respond more slowly on average. First, we confirmed that the time taken to respond to the approaching predator depended on the rate of scanning: as head-up rate increased so chaffinches responded more quickly. However, against predictions, as peck rate increased so head-up rate increased and mean length of head-up and head-down periods decreased. Head-up rate was probably dependent on peck rate because almost every time a seed was found, a bird raised its head to handle it. Therefore chaffinches with higher peck rates responded more quickly. Individual chaffinches showed consistent durations of both their head-down and head-up periods and, therefore, individuals that were good foragers were also good detectors of predators. In relation to the broad range of species that have a similar foraging mode to chaffinches, our results have two major implications for predation/starvation risk trade-offs: (i) feeding rate can determine vigilance scanning patterns; and (ii) the best foragers can also be the best at detecting predators. We discuss how our results can be explained in mechanistic terms relating to fundamental differences in how the probabilities of detecting food rather than a predator are affected by time. In addition, our results offer a plausible explanation for the widely observed effect that vigilance continues to decline with group size even when there is no further benefit to reducing vigilance.
机译:觅食和警惕相互排斥的程度对于了解动物捕食和饥饿风险权衡的管理至关重要。我们测试了以较高速度喂食的野生圈养燕雀是否以牺牲它们对附近飞来的麻雀模型响应的速度为代价的,以及是否始终如一地好的觅食者趋向于平均响应较慢。首先,我们确认对接近掠食者的反应所需的时间取决于扫描速度:随着抬头速度的增加,花头燕雀的响应速度更快。然而,与预测相反,随着啄率的增加,抬头率增加,抬头和抬头的平均长度减少。平头率可能取决于啄率,因为几乎每次发现种子时,鸟都会抬起头来处理。因此,啄食率更高的燕雀反应更快。个别的燕雀表现出其低头和抬头期间的持续时间,因此,作为好觅食者的个体也是捕食者的良好检测者。关于与花鸡类似的觅食模式的广泛物种,我们的结果对捕食/饥饿风险的权衡有两个主要含义:(i)摄食率可以确定警惕性扫描方式; (ii)最好的觅食者也可以最擅长发现掠食者。我们讨论了如何用机械性术语来解释我们的结果,这些术语与基本差异有关,即检测食物而不是掠食者的概率受时间的影响。此外,我们的结果为广泛观察到的效果提供了一个合理的解释,即即使没有降低警惕性的进一步好处,警惕性也会随着小组人数的减少而持续下降。



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