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The initiation and maintenance of bradycardia in a diving mammal the muskrat Ondatra zibethica.

机译:在潜水哺乳动物麝香鼠(Ondatra zibethica)中心动过缓的发生和维持。



1. The cardiac and respiratory responses shown by muskrats in both unrestrained and restrained dives have been compared with responses elicited by stimulation of a number of cardio-depressant receptor inputs, in an attempt to determine which are most important in initiating and maintaining diving bradycardia. 2. In unrestrained voluntary dives heart rate fell from 310 +/- 3 to 54 +/- 3 beats min-1 in 1 to 2 sec, which was significantly below that seen in dives by restrained unanaesthetized or anaesthetized animals. 3. Pouring water on the external nares during maintained artificial ventilation caused heart rate to decline to 76 +/- 12 beats min-1 after 1 sec. Flowing water through the internal nares caused apnoea, in the expiratory position, and bradycardia within one third of a second. Heart rate fell to 20 +/- 2 beats min-1, 1 sec after the start of water flow. Substituting saline for water reduced both the apnoeic and cardiac responses. Bilateral section of the maxillary branch of V and the inferior laryngeal (X) nerves completely abolished the cardiac and respiratory response to water flow. 4. Artificial ventilation throughout periods of nasal stimulation with water or saline reduced the bradycardia, although even the saline driven response could not be completely abolished. Lung deafferentation eliminated any direct effect of artificial ventilation on heart rate during nasal stimulation. 5. Lung deflation caused bradycardia within 0.97 +/- 0.17 sec, heart rate falling from 268 +/- 7 to 59 +/- 4 beats min-1. Bradycardia also occurred during maintained lung inflation but it was delayed for a period which varied from 6.8 +/- 1.8 sec at an inflation pressure of 0.5 kPa to 35 +/- 7 sec at 1.5 kPa. 6. Bradycardia caused by nasal water flow or lung deflation was unaffected by bilateral section of the sinus nerve. 7. Artificial ventilation of paralysed muskrats with 5% CO2 in N2 caused bradycardia when Pa, O2 reached 8.4 +/- 0.8 kPa and heart rate declined to 76 +/- 7 beats min-1 at 4 kPa. Bilateral section of the sinus nerve delayed bradycardia until Pa, O2 reached 4.5 +/- 0.5 kPa. 8. These results suggest that the cardiac response to submergence could be the expression of input from three groups of receptors, nasal, lung and carotid chemoreceptors, although it is not clear how they interact with one another to generate the cardiac responses displayed by unrestrained animals during submergence.
机译:1.已将麝香鼠在不受限制的潜水和受限制的潜水中表现出的心脏和呼吸反应与通过刺激多种心脏抑制受体输入而引起的反应进行了比较,以试图确定哪些因素在开始和维持潜水式心动过缓中最重要。 2.在不受限制的自愿潜水中,心跳速度在1至2秒内从min-1的310 +/- 3降至54 +/- 3拍,这大大低于在受限制的未麻醉或麻醉的动物中进行的跳水。 3.在维持人工通气的过程中,在鼻孔上浇水会使心率在1秒后降至min-1的76 +/- 12次心跳。水流过内部鼻孔会导致呼吸暂停,呼气位置和心动过缓,发生时间在三分之一秒内。水流开始后1秒,心率在min-1降至20 +/- 2次。用盐水代替水可以减少apneoic和心脏反应。 V上颌支和喉下(X)神经的双侧切面完全消除了对水流的心脏和呼吸反应。 4.在整个鼻腔用水或生理盐水刺激期间进行人工通气可以减少心动过缓,尽管即使生理盐水驱动的反应也无法完全消除。肺部去除心力消除了在鼻刺激过程中人工通气对心率的任何直接影响。 5.肺通气在0.97 +/- 0.17秒内引起心动过缓,心率从268 +/- 7降到59 +/- 4次min-1。心动过缓也发生在维持肺部充气的过程中,但延迟时间从充气压力为0.5 kPa时的6.8 +/- 1.8秒到1.5 kPa的35 +/- 7秒不等。 6.由鼻水流动或肺部放气引起的心动过缓不受窦神经双侧切片的影响。 7.当Pa,O2达到8.4 +/- 0.8 kPa且心率降至4 kPa时min-1降至76 +/- 7节拍min时,人工通气使N2中5%的CO2瘫痪的麝香引起心动过缓。窦神经的双侧截面延迟了心动过缓,直至Pa,O2达到4.5 +/- 0.5 kPa。 8.这些结果表明,对浸没的心脏反应可能是来自三组受体(鼻,肺和颈动脉化学感受器)的输入表达,尽管尚不清楚它们如何相互作用以产生不受约束的动物表现出的心脏反应在淹没期间。



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