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The formation and regression of synapses during the re-innervation of axolotl striated muscles.




1. A study has been made of the formation and regression of synapses formed by spinal nerves 16 and 17 in axolotl hind-limb flexor muscles following the severing of nerve 16, using histological, ultrastructural and electrophysiological techniques. 2. Axolotl hind-limb flexor myofibres possessed 'en plaque' end-plates from either spinal nerve 16 or 17 or both at intervals of about 1000 micronm along their length; the myofibre's length constant was about 700 micronm allowing electrophysiological observations of at least two of these synapses during a single impalement; transmitter release at these synapses could be described by binomial statistics and in a given set of ionic conditions the binomial statistic parameter n was directly proportional to the size of the nerve terminals whilst the binomial statistic parameter p was invariant to changes in nerve terminal size. 3. The distribution of synapses formed by spinal nerves 16 and 17 in different sectors of the axolotl hind-limb flexor muscles was determined from a study of evoked end-plate potentials; the middle and proximal sectors of the flexor muscles contained myofibres which received an innervation from nerve 16 only, whereas the sectors surrounding these contained myofibres innervated either by nerve 16 or nerve 17 or by both nerves. 4. Six days following the severing of spinal nerve 16, evoked transmitter release from the synapses formed by this nerve had failed; transmission was subsequently recorded at a few synapses formed by nerve 17 in the middle and proximal sectors of the flexor muscles which are not normally innervated by this nerve and these synapses had a low n; during the succeeding four weeks the value of n at the synapses increased to a size about 70% that of the terminals normally formed by nerve 16 at these sites. 5. Four weeks after severing nerve 16, myofibres which possessed synapses formed by nerve 17 also possessed synapses from re-innervating nerve 16 and these were sometimes formed at the same synaptic sites as those occupied by nerve 17. 6. In the subsequent sixteen weeks, the n value of synapses formed by nerve 17 declined whilst the n values of synapses formed by re-innervating nerve 16 on the same myofibres matured to their control size. 7. It is suggested that on severing nerve 16 collateral sprouting of nearby intact nerve 17 occurs and these collateral sprouts innervate the denervated synaptic sites, although the sprouts arenot as well matched to the denervated synaptic sites as are the original nerve terminals; thus if nerve 16 returns it preferentially forms synapses at its original synaptic sites, and the collateral synapses formed by nerve 17 regress.
机译:1.已经使用组织学,超微结构和电生理技术,对神经16切断后,x的后肢屈肌中脊髓神经16和17形成的突触的形成和消退进行了研究。 2. Axolotl后肢屈肌肌纤维具有“ en噬菌斑”终板,来自脊神经16或17或两者,沿其长度间隔约1000微米。肌纤维的长度常数约为700微米,可以在一次穿刺过程中对至少两个突触进行电生理观察。在这些突触中的递质释放可以通过二项式统计来描述,并且在给定的离子条件下,二项式统计参数n与神经末梢的大小直接成比例,而二项式统计参数p与神经末梢大小的变化无关。 3.根据对诱发终板电位的研究,确定了脊髓神经16和17形成的突触在the的后肢屈肌不同部位的分布。屈肌的中部和近端部分包含仅接受神经16支配的肌纤维,而围绕这些部分的部分包含由神经16支或神经17支或由两条神经支配的肌纤维。 4.脊髓神经切断16天后的6天,由该神经形成的突触引起的递质释放未能成功。随后在由屈肌中部和近端的神经17形成的一些突触中记录了传播,这些突触通常不被该神经支配,并且这些突触的n较低。在随后的四个星期中,突触中的n值增加到这些部位通常由神经16形成的末端的70%。 5.切断神经16后四个星期,具有由神经17形成的突触的肌纤维也具有来自重新神经16的突触,这些突触有时形成在与神经17所占据的突触相同的位置。6.在随后的16周内,由神经17形成的突触的n值下降,而由在同一肌纤维上重新神经16形成的突触的n值成熟到其控制大小。 7.建议在切断神经16时,附近完整神经17会出现侧芽,这些侧芽使神经支配的突触部位受神经支配,尽管这些芽与原始神经末梢的神经支配不一样。因此,如果神经16返回,它优先在其原始突触部位形成突触,而由神经17形成的副突触则消退。



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