首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Changes in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance during the carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex in the pregnant rabbit.

Changes in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance during the carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex in the pregnant rabbit.




1. The reflex cardiovascular effects of changes in pressure within the isolated carotid sinus have been examined in sixteen anaesthetized pregnant rabbits. 2. Comparison of the mean results at sinus pressures of 40 and 200 mmHg showed that heart rate fell by 32.1 beats min-1 and arterial pressure was reduced by 48.2 mmHg. Cardiac output, measured by thermal dilution, fell by 25.7 ml. min-1.kg-1 and total peripheral resistance was reduced by 0-292 mmHg. ml.-1 min. kg. 3. The corresponding changes previously reported in a group of seventeen non-pregnant female rabbits were a similar fall in heart rate of 34.5 beats min-1 but significantly greater reductions in arterial pressure of 69-8 mmHg and in total peripheral resistance of 0-432 mmHg. ml.-1 min.kg. However, the fall in cardiac output of 12.6 ml.min-1.kg-1 was significantly smaller. 4. These observations show that the smaller blood pressure response of the pregnant rabbit to alterations in sinus pressure is due to a reduced change in total peripheral resistance.
机译:1.已在16只麻醉的怀孕兔子中检查了孤立的颈动脉窦内压力变化的反射性心血管作用。 2.在40和200 mmHg的鼻窦压力下比较平均结果表明,心率下降了32.1次min-1,动脉压下降了48.2 mmHg。通过热稀释测量的心输出量下降了25.7 ml。 min-1.kg-1和总外围电阻降低了0-292 mmHg。 ml.-1分钟公斤。 3.先前在17只未怀孕的雌性兔子组中报告的相应变化是,心率下降了34.5次min-1,但动脉压降低了69-8 mmHg,总外周阻力明显降低了0- 432毫米汞柱。 ml.-1分钟但是,心输出量的下降幅度为12.6 ml.min-1.kg-1。 4.这些观察结果表明,怀孕的兔子对鼻窦压力变化的血压响应较小,是由于总外周阻力变化减少所致。



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