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Heat production and chemical change during isometric contraction of rat soleus muscle.




1. Methods are described whereby the soleus muscle of the rat may be used for the investigation of initial processes in the absence of oxidative recovery. 2. The anaerobic conditions employed had no effect on the concentration of phosphocreatine in resting muscle or the mechanical response during contraction. 3. Muscles were stimulated tetanically for 10 s at 17-18 degrees C. Measurements were made of the heat production and metabolic changes that occurred during a 13 s period following the first stimulus. 4. There was no detectable change in the concentration of ATP. Neither was there detectable activity of adenylate kinase or adenylate deaminase. The changes in the concentration of glycolytic intermediaries were undetectable or very small. 5. The change in the concentration of phosphocreatine was large and amounted to -127 +/- 11-4 mumol/mmol Ct (mean and S.E. of the mean, negative sign indicates break-down, Ct = free creatine + phosphocreatine) which is equivalent to about -2-13 mumol/g wet weight of muscle. The heat production was 6549 +/- 408 mJ/mmol Ct (mean and S.E. of mean) which is equivalent to about 110 mJ/g. 6. About 30% of the observed energy output is unaccounted for by measured metabolic changes. 7. The ratio of heat production (corrected for small amounts of glycolytic activity) to phosphocreatine hydrolysis was -49-7 +/- 5-6 kJ/mol (mean and S.E. of mean), in agreement with previous results using comparable contractions of frog muscle, but different from the enthalpy change associated with phosphocreatine hydrolysis under in vivo conditions (-34 kJ/mol). 8. The results support the notion that the discrepancy between energy output and metabolism is an indication of an unidentified process of substantial energetic significance that is common to a number of species.
机译:1.描述了在不进行氧化恢复的情况下可将大鼠比目鱼肌用于研究初始过程的方法。 2.采用的厌氧条件对静息肌中磷酸肌酸的浓度或收缩过程中的机械反应没有影响。 3.在17-18摄氏度下,对肌肉进行强直性刺激10 s。对第一次刺激后13 s内产生的热量和代谢变化进行了测量。 4. ATP浓度没有可检测的变化。腺苷酸激酶或腺苷酸脱氨酶均未检测到活性。糖酵解中间产物的浓度变化无法检测或很小。 5.磷酸肌酸浓度的变化很大,为-127 +/- 11-4 mumol / mmol Ct(平均值和平均值为SE,负号表示分解,Ct =游离肌酸+磷酸肌酸),为相当于大约-2-13摩尔/克肌肉湿重。产热为6549 +/- 408 mJ / mmol Ct(平均值和平均值的标准误差),相当于约110 mJ / g。 6.观测到的能量输出中约有30%不能通过测量的代谢变化来解释。 7.产生热量(针对少量糖酵解活性进行校正)与磷酸肌酸水解的比率为-49-7 +/- 5-6 kJ / mol(均值和均值SE),与之前使用可比收缩率得出的结果一致青蛙肌肉,但与体内条件下磷酸肌酸水解相关的焓变不同(-34 kJ / mol)。 8.结果支持这样一种观点,即能量输出和代谢之间的差异是许多物种共有的,具有重要能量意义的未确定过程的指示。



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