首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Oscillations in rod and horizontal cell membrane potential: evidence for feed-back to rods in the vertebrate retina.

Oscillations in rod and horizontal cell membrane potential: evidence for feed-back to rods in the vertebrate retina.




1. Rods and horizontal cells were studied with intracellular recordings in the retina of the toad, Bufo marinus; 161 cells were from the eyecup preparation and thirty were from the isolated perfused retina. 2. Of these cells, 39% exhibited either transient or sustained oscillations of membrane potential. Light flashes either evoked transient oscillations or temporarily abolished sustained oscillations. The amplitudes of the oscillations could be as large as 27 mV. The frequency of the oscillations at 25 degrees C was between 1-5 and 3-5 Hz and was strongly dependent on temperature and background illumination. 3. The rod oscillation amplitude and the peak of the horizontal cell light response increased similarly with increasing test flash diameters. They continued to grow for diameters much larger than those which increased the peak of the rod light response. 4. Perfusion of the isolated retina with 2 mM aspartate had only a small effect on the rod light response but it completely eliminated the horizontal cell light response as well as the oscillations recorded in both rods and horizontal cells. 5. It is believed that the oscillations result from a reverberating interaction between rods and neurones post-synaptic to rods. Thus, rods can be both post- as well as presynaptic retinal elements.
机译:1.研究了蟾蜍和蟾蜍视网膜中细胞内记录的杆和水平细胞;眼罩制备物中有161个细胞,离体视网膜灌注物中有30个细胞。 2.在这些细胞中,有39%表现出膜电位的瞬时或持续振荡。闪光灯闪烁会引起瞬态振荡或暂时取消持续振荡。振荡幅度可能高达27 mV。 25摄氏度时的振荡频率介于1-5和3-5 Hz之间,并且强烈依赖于温度和背景照明。 3.随着测试闪光直径的增加,杆振动幅度和水平单元光响应的峰值也类似地增加。它们继续生长,其直径远大于增加棒状光响应峰的直径。 4.用2 mM天门冬氨酸灌注离体视网膜对棒光反应的影响很小,但完全消除了水平细胞的光反应以及在棒和水平细胞中记录的振荡。 5.据信,振荡是由杆和突触后的神经元之间的回荡相互作用引起的。因此,杆既可以是突触后的,也可以是突触前的视网膜的。



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