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Aspects of bile secretion in the rabbit.




1. Bile secretion was studied in anaesthetized rabbits from whom hepatic bile was collected by cannulation of the common bile duct. 2. The flow and composition of bile formed by rabbits anaesthetized with urethane differed significantly from that formed by rabbits anaesthetized with pentobarbitone sodium. 3. The I.P. injection of a hypertonic solution of sucrose (3 M) decreased bile flow and produced changes in the ionic composition of bile and of plasma. 4. The infusion of sodium taurodeoxycholate (1-5-20 mumole/min I.V.) gave higher rates of bile flow than did equimolar infusions of sodium taurocholate, and unlike taurocholate, increased the bicarbonate concentration of bile. 5. Acetazolamide (10-100 mg/kg) increased the concentration of bicarbonate both in bile and in plasma, and had little effect on bile flow. 6. The infusion of bromsulphthalein (5 mg/kg I.V.) decreased the excretion of bicarbonate into bile, and was associated with the formation of a hypotonic bile. 7. The implications of these results in relation to the mechanisms of bile secretion are discussed.
机译:1.在麻醉的兔子中研究胆汁分泌,通过导管插入胆总管收集肝胆汁。 2.用氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的兔子形成的胆汁的流量和组成与用戊巴比妥钠麻醉的兔子形成的胆汁的流量和组成明显不同。 3. I.P.注射高渗蔗糖溶液(3 M)会降低胆汁流量,并改变胆汁和血浆的离子组成。 4.输注牛磺去氧胆酸钠(1-5-20mumole / min I.V.)比牛磺胆酸钠等摩尔输注产生更高的胆汁流速,并且与牛磺胆酸钠不同,输注胆汁的碳酸氢根浓度。 5.乙酰唑胺(10-100 mg / kg)可增加胆汁和血浆中碳酸氢根的浓度,对胆汁流量几乎没有影响。 6.输注溴磺酞(5 mg / kg静脉内)减少了碳酸氢盐向胆汁的排泄,并与低渗胆汁的形成有关。 7.讨论了这些结果与胆汁分泌机制有关的含义。



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