首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Pulmonary vasomotor nerve responses in isolated perfused lungs of Macaca mulatta and Papio species.

Pulmonary vasomotor nerve responses in isolated perfused lungs of Macaca mulatta and Papio species.




1. Lung lobes of Macaca mulatta and Papio species were isolated from the body and perfused by a pump delivering a constant volume inflow. The left atrial pressure was kept constant and therefore any recorded change in pulmonary arterial pressure reflected a change in pulmonary vascular resistance. 2. In five Macaca mulatta preparations stimulation of the upper thoracic sympathetic chain, the stellate ganglion, the middle cervical ganglion and the thoracic vagosympathetic nerve caused a small increase in calculated pulmonary vascular resistance usually followed by a larger decrease. Evidence is produced which suggests that the depressor response is mediated by adrenergic beta-receptors. In three preparations no change in pulmonary vascular resistance occurred. 3. In four Papio preparations stimulation of similar nerves invariably caused an increase in calculated pulmonary vascular resistance. In one animal no change in vascular resistance occurred. 4. A regression analysis of the results showed an inverse relationship between the magnitude of the pulmonary vascular response to nerve stimulation and the degree of excitement of the animals during capture, restraint and anaesthesia (P less than 0.01).
机译:1.从身体中分离出猕猴和帕皮尾物种的肺叶,并用泵进行灌注,以提供恒定的流量。左心房压力保持恒定,因此任何记录的肺动脉压变化均反映了肺血管阻力的变化。 2.在五只猕猴制剂中,刺激上胸交感神经链,星状神经节,中颈神经节和胸腔交感神经引起的肺血管阻力计算值通常小幅增加,通常随后大幅度下降。产生的证据表明,抑制剂的反应是由肾上腺素β受体介导的。在三种制剂中,肺血管阻力没有变化。 3.在四种Papio制剂中,对相似神经的刺激总是会导致计算的肺血管阻力增加。一只动物中没有发生血管阻力变化。 4.结果的回归分析表明,在捕获,约束和麻醉过程中,肺血管对神经刺激的反应幅度与动物的兴奋程度呈反比关系(P小于0.01)。



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