首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >The effect of glycine-conjugated bile acids on net transport and potential difference across isolated rat jejunum and ileum

The effect of glycine-conjugated bile acids on net transport and potential difference across isolated rat jejunum and ileum




1. Five mM glycodeoxycholate and glycochenodeoxycholate inhibit net fluid transport across isolated rat jejunum and ileum; 5 mM glycocholate does not affect jejunal segments, but arrests fluid transport across ileal segments.2. Inhibition of fluid transport is accompanied by some diminution of mucosal glucose uptake, but translocation of glucose to the serosal surface of jejunal segments persists in the presence of dihydroxy conjugated bile acids.3. Inhibition of fluid transport is accompanied by a marked fall in the glucose-stimulated transmural electropotential difference, within 5 min of mucosal exposure to the bile acids.4. The lactate concentration gradient normally maintained across isolated intestine is abolished when fluid transport is inhibited by conjugated bile acids, even though lactate formation is not greatly reduced.5. These results suggest that inhibition of intestinal fluid transport is reproducible in vitro, and that the inhibition is not associated with increased permeability of the mucosa, but may be associated with altered permeability of the mucosal pole of the enterocyte.6. Although in vitro and in vivo effects of dihydroxy bile acids on fluid transport are similar, the assumption that the mode of action is likewise similar is not justified on present evidence.
机译:1. 5 mM的糖脱氧胆酸盐和糖基去氧胆酸盐可抑制分离的大鼠空肠和回肠中的净流体运输; 5 mM糖胆酸盐不影响空肠段,但阻止回肠段中的液体运输。2。抑制液体运输伴随着粘膜葡萄糖吸收的一些减少,但是在存在二羟基缀合的胆汁酸的情况下,葡萄糖向空肠段浆膜表面的转运仍然存在。3。在粘膜暴露于胆汁酸的5分钟内,葡萄糖刺激的透壁电势差显着下降,抑制了液体的运输。4。当结合胆汁酸抑制液体的运输时,即使分离的乳酸没有显着减少,通常在分离的肠中维持的乳酸浓度梯度也将被消除。5。这些结果表明体外抑制肠液运输是可重现的,并且该抑制与粘膜通透性增加无关,但可能与肠上皮细胞粘膜极通透性改变有关。6。尽管二羟基胆汁酸在体外和体内对流体转运的作用相似,但目前的证据还不能证明作用方式相似的假设。



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