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Stimulus—response functions of rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors in the human glabrous skin area




1. Single unit impulses were recorded from the ulnar and median nerves of awake human subjects with tungsten electrodes inserted percutaneously in the upper arm.2. Forty-nine rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors with receptive fields in the glabrous skin area were studied. Thirty-nine units had small receptive fields with distinct borders (RA-receptors) while ten units had large fields with indistinct borders (PC-receptors).3. The afferent response to stimuli of varying indentation amplitude and velocity of indentation, was analysed.4. Amplitude thresholds varied from 0·05 to 1·65 mm for the RA-receptors. For the PC-receptors amplitude thresholds ranged from less than 0·05 to 1·95 mm.5. Velocity thresholds varied for the RA-receptors from 0·4 to 39·3 mm/sec, and for the PC-receptors from 0·5 to 19·6 mm/sec.6. The conduction velocities of the afferents were all in the A α—β range. For the RA-receptors the conduction velocities ranged from 26 to 91 m/sec (mean = 55·3 ± 3·4), and for PC-receptors the range was from 34 to 61 m/sec (mean = 46·9 ± 3·6).7. The nerve impulse frequency as a function of indentation velocity was analysed for nineteen RA-receptors and four PC-receptors. A hyperbolic log tangent function of the type first introduced by Naka & Rushton (1966) in studies on S-potentials in the fish retina was found to be the best description of the stimulus—response function for sixteen RA-receptors and two PC-receptors. For the remaining units a pure logarithmic function was the best description. However, the logarithmic function may be, as found in the present study, a special case of the more general log tanh function.
机译:1.在清醒的人的尺神经和正中神经上记录单个单位的冲动,将钨电极经皮插入上臂。2。研究了四十九种快速适应性机械感受器在无毛皮肤区域的感受野。三十九个单位的接收区具有较小的边界(RA受体),而十个单位的接收区却具有模糊的边界(PC受体)。3。分析了压痕振幅和压痕速度变化对刺激的传入反应。4。 RA受体的振幅阈值从0·05到1·65 mm不等。对于PC接收器,振幅阈值的范围从小于0·05到1·95 mm.5。 RA受体的速度阈值在0·4到39·3 mm / sec之间变化,而PC受体的速度阈值在0·5到19·6 mm / sec.6之间变化。传入的传导速度都在Aα-β范围内。对于RA受体,传导速度的范围为26至91 m / sec(平均值= 55·3±3·4),对于PC受体,传导速度的范围为34至61 m / sec(平均值= 46·9± 3·6).7。分析了19种RA受体和4种PC受体的神经冲动频率与压入速度的关系。 Naka&Rushton(1966)在鱼类视网膜S电位研究中首次引入的双曲线对数正切函数被认为是对16个RA受体和两个PC受体的刺激反应功能的最佳描述。 。对于其余单位,纯对数函数是最好的描述。但是,如本研究中所述,对数函数可能是更一般的log tanh函数的特殊情况。



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