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Recurrent inhibition of antidromically identified rat supraoptic neurones




1. In anaesthetized male rats, the hypothalamus and pituitary stalk were exposed by a transpharyngeal approach. The compound field potential of the supraoptic nucleus evoked by stimulation of the pituitary stalk, was recorded with glass electrodes inserted near the origin of the anterior cerebral artery.2. The mean latency of 169 antidromically evoked action potentials isolated from the field was 9·9 msec with an extreme range of 6-26 msec. Although the wave form of the antidromic action potential showed a variety of shapes and sizes and the initial wave could be of either polarity, the majority were strikingly similar in form. The initial wave was positive with an inflexion on the rising phase and was followed by a shallow rather longer lasting negative potential.3. The antidromic nature of the action potential was confirmed when the action potential evoked at constant latency after the stimulus was observed to be cancelled by another occurring spontaneously. Although the antidromic action potentials followed stimulation frequencies greater than 100 Hz, the response to high frequency stimulation was seldom tested since the amplitude of the action potential was greatly reduced at frequencies above 30 Hz if the number of shocks exceeded a critical number, as few as 3-6 at 100 Hz.4. Stimulation of the pituitary stalk at intensities below and near threshold for antidromic invasion of the cell under study was shown by means of post-stimulus time histograms to be associated with an inhibitory period lasting on average 80 msec (S.D. = 13, N = 30).5. An increase in the intensity and duration of the inhibitory period occurred as the intensity of the stimulation was increased as might be expected if the response was mediated synaptically. The inhibitory pathway is believed to involve the recurrent collateral axons already demonstrated anatomically since the stimulation intensities necessary to produce either a marked inhibitory response or antidromic invasion of the cell in question are in most instances nearly the same.
机译:1.在经麻醉的雄性大鼠中,经咽部途径暴露下丘脑和垂体茎。记录脑前动脉起点附近的玻璃电极,记录垂体柄刺激引起的视上核复合场电位。2。从野外分离出来的169种抗屈光诱发动作电位的平均潜伏期为9·9毫秒,极限范围为6-26毫秒。尽管反人体动作电位的波形显示出各种形状和大小,并且初始波可以是任意极性,但大多数波形都非常相似。初始波为正,上升阶段为弯曲,随后为较浅但持续时间较长的负电位。3。在观察到刺激被另一种自发抵消后,以恒定潜伏期诱发的动作电位被确认时,动作电位具有抗蠕动性质。尽管抗躯体动作电位的刺激频率大于100 Hz,但很少测试对高频刺激的响应,因为如果电击次数超过临界数,则在30 Hz以上的频率下动作电位的幅度会大大降低。 100 Hz时为3-6 4。刺激后时间直方图显示垂体茎在低于或接近阈值的强度下受研究细胞的抗表皮侵袭刺激与平均持续80毫秒的抑制期有关(SD = 13,N = 30) .5。如果刺激是通过突触介导的,则随着刺激强度的增加,抑制期的强度和持续时间会增加。认为该抑制途径涉及在解剖学上已经证实的复发性副轴突,因为在大多数情况下,产生所讨论的细胞的显着抑制反应或抗皮肤侵袭所必需的刺激强度几乎是相同的。



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