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Facilitation and inhibition of cell groups within the superior cervical ganglion of the rabbit




1. The patterns of facilitation and inhibition of the Sa and Sb components of the post-ganglionic compound action potential after a single conditioning stimulus were different and dependent on stimulus parameters.2. With submaximal conditioning and test stimuli, the Sa component showed a phase of early facilitation (40-75 msec after the conditioning stimulus) followed by a prolonged tail of facilitation. With maximal stimuli, early facilitation and late facilitation (700-2000 msec after the conditioning stimulus) were separated by a phase of inhibition or relative inhibition, most pronounced 100-300 msec after the conditioning stimulus.3. During early facilitation, a submaximal Sa response was facilitated by 33·1 ± 3·9%, while a maximal Sa response was facilitated by 14·5 ± 2·9%.4. Providing preganglionic C fibres were excited, facilitation of the Sb component remained relatively constant for 40-500 msec after the conditioning stimulus, with no phase of inhibition.5. Early facilitation of submaximal Sa responses was greatest when the conditioning stimulus excited about 50% of the preganglionic B fibres, but that of maximal responses was greatest when the conditioning stimulus excited all the B fibres. The preganglionic C fibres modulated facilitation of the Sa component. Maximal facilitation of this component was associated with depression of the Sb component.6. Submaximal Sa responses are more strongly inhibited than maximal Sa responses 200 msec after a conditioning stimulus. The C fibre pathway seems able to modulate the degree of inhibition of the Sa ganglion cells.7. A neuronal model with divergent and convergent preganglionic B and C fibres supplying Sa ganglion cells is consistent with the results. The preganglionic input is able to vary the size of the subliminal fringe. The Sb component is in part due to the Sa ganglion cells firing to their C fibre input.
机译:1.单个条件刺激后促进和抑制神经节后复合动作电位中Sa和Sb组分的促进和抑制模式不同,并取决于刺激参数。2。在次最大的调节和测试刺激下,Sa组分显示出早期促进阶段(调节刺激后40-75毫秒),随后是延长的促进尾巴。在最大刺激下,早期促进和晚期促进(调节刺激后700-2000毫秒)被抑制或相对抑制阶段分开,最明显的是调节刺激后100-300毫秒。3。在早期促进过程中,Sa响应最大程度降低了33·1±3·9%,而Sa最大响应程度却提高了14·5±2·9%.4。如果神经节前C纤维被激发,则Sb组分的促进作用在调节刺激后的40-500毫秒内保持相对恒定,没有抑制相。5。当条件刺激刺激大约50%的节前B纤维时,亚最大Sa反应的早期促进最大,而当条件刺激刺激所有B纤维时,最大响应最大。神经节前C纤维调节了Sa组分的促进作用。该组分的最大促进作用与Sb组分的降低有关。6。在条件刺激后200毫秒内,次最大Sa反应的抑制作用要强于最大Sa反应。 C纤维途径似乎能够调节Sa神经节细胞的抑制程度。7。一个神经元模型具有向Sa神经节细胞供应的发散和会聚的神经节前B和C纤维与结果一致。神经节前输入能够改变阈下边缘的大小。 Sb成分部分归因于Sa神经节细胞向其C纤维输入发射。



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