首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases Medical Microbiology = Journal Canadien des Maladies Infectieuses et de la Microbiologie M dicale >Clinical Serological and Molecular Observations from a Case Series Study during the Asian Lineage Zika Virus Outbreak in Grenada during 2016

Clinical Serological and Molecular Observations from a Case Series Study during the Asian Lineage Zika Virus Outbreak in Grenada during 2016




This paper describes the spatial and temporal distribution of cases, demographic characteristics of patients, and clinical manifestations of Zika virus (ZIKV) during the 2016 outbreak in Grenada. The first reported case was recorded in St. Andrew Parish in April, and the last reported case was seen in November, with peak transmission occurring in the last week of June, based on test results. Data were collected from a total of 514 patients, of whom 207 (40%) tested positive for ZIKV. No evidence was found that testing positive for ZIKV infection was related to age, gender, or pregnancy status. Clinical presentation with rash (OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.5 to 3.7) or with lymphadenopathy (OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.0 to 2.9) were the only reported symptoms consistent with testing positive for ZIKV infection. During the Zika outbreak, the infection rate was 20 clinical cases per 10,000 in the population compared to 41 cases per 10,000 during the chikungunya outbreak in Grenada in 2014 and 17 cases per 10,000 during the dengue outbreak in 2001-2002. Even though the country has employed vector control programs, with no apparent decrease in infection rates, it appears that new abatement approaches are needed to minimize morbidity in future arbovirus outbreaks.
机译:本文介绍了2016年格林纳达暴发期间寨卡病毒(ZIKV)的病例时空分布,患者的人口统计学特征以及临床表现。根据测试结果,第一个报告的病例记录于4月的圣安德鲁教区,最后一个报告的病例记录于11月,在6月的最后一周传播高峰。总共从514例患者中收集了数据,其中207例(40%)的ZIKV检测呈阳性。没有证据表明ZIKV感染检测呈阳性与年龄,性别或妊娠状况有关。仅有皮疹(OR = 2.4,95%CI = 1.5至3.7)或淋巴结病(OR = 1.7,95%CI = 1.0至2.9)的临床表现是与ZIKV感染呈阳性测试一致的唯一报告症状。在寨卡病毒爆发期间,感染率为每10,000人中20例临床病例,而2014年格林纳达基孔肯雅热爆发期间每10,000人中有41例临床病例,而2001-2002年登革热爆发期间每10,000人中有17例临床病例。尽管该国已经采用了媒介控制程序,但感染率并未明显下降,但似乎仍需要新的消减方法,以尽量减少今后虫媒病毒爆发时的发病率。


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