首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Canadian Urological Association Journal >Stereotactic body radiotherapy for the treatment of medically inoperable primary renal cell carcinoma: Current evidence and future directions

Stereotactic body radiotherapy for the treatment of medically inoperable primary renal cell carcinoma: Current evidence and future directions




The incidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is steadily rising due to an aging population and more frequent imaging of the abdomen for other medical conditions. While surgery remains the standard of care treatment for localized disease, many patients are unfit due to their advanced age and medical comorbidities. In these patients, an active surveillance strategy or ablative therapies, including radiofrequency/microwave ablation or cryotherapy, can be offered. Such options have limitations particularly with fast growing, or larger tumors. A promising ablative therapy option to consider is stereo-tactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). SBRT refers to high dose, focally ablative radiation delivered in a short time (3–5 fractions), and is safe and effective in many other cancer sites, including lung, liver and spine. SBRT offers potential advantages in the primary kidney cancer setting due to its ablative dosing (overcoming the notion of “radio-resistance”), short treatment duration (important in an elderly population), low toxicity profile (enabling SBRT to treat larger RCCs than other ablative modalities), and non-invasiveness. To date, there is limited long-term prospective data on the outcomes of SBRT in primary RCC. However, early evidence is intriguing with respect to excellent local control and low toxicity; however, most studies vary in terms of technique and radiation dosing used. Well-designed prospective cohort studies with clearly defined and standardized techniques, dosing, follow-up, and integration of quality of life outcomes will be essential to further establish the role of SBRT in management of inoperable, localized RCC.
机译:肾细胞癌(RCC)的发病率由于人口老龄化以及在其他医学情况下腹部成像更加频繁而不断增加。尽管手术仍然是局部疾病的标准治疗方法,但许多患者由于年老和医疗合并症而不适。在这些患者中,可以提供积极的监视策略或消融疗法,包括射频/微波消融或冷冻疗法。这样的选择具有局限性,特别是对于快速生长或更大的肿瘤。立体定向放射疗法(SBRT)是一种值得考虑的消融疗法。 SBRT是指在短时间内(3-5个分数)传递的高剂量局部消融放射线,在许多其他癌症部位(包括肺,肝和脊柱)是安全有效的。 SBRT由于其消融剂量(克服了“抗放射”的概念),治疗时间短(在老年人群中很重要),低毒性(使SBRT能够治疗比其他更大的RCC)而在原发性肾癌中具有潜在的优势。消融方式)和非侵入性。迄今为止,有关主要RCC中SBRT结果的长期前瞻性数据有限。然而,关于良好的局部控制和低毒性的早期证据令人着迷。但是,大多数研究在使用的技术和辐射剂量方面有所不同。设计良好的前瞻性队列研究,明确定义和标准化的技术,给药,随访以及生活质量结果的整合对于进一步确立SBRT在无法手术的局部RCC管理中的作用至关重要。



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