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Competition between sodium and calcium ions in transmitter release at mammalian neuromuscular junction




1. Frequencies of miniature end-plate potentials (m.e.p.p.s) were recorded at neuromuscular junctions in rat diaphragm-phrenic nerve preparations in vitro.2. In the presence of raised [K] (15-20 mM) lowering [Na] caused a rapid increase in m.e.p.p. frequency whether [Ca] was low or normal. Raising [Na] towards the normal concentration (162 mM) caused a slow fall in frequency and raising [Ca] in the range 0·32-2 mM caused a slow increase in frequency. These effects were less in the normal [K] (5 mM).3. Mean m.e.p.p. frequencies were determined for solutions containing 15 mM-K and combinations of [Ca] and [Na]. M.e.p.p. frequency varied inversely with [Na] when [Ca] was constant. In each of the three Na concentrations used (162, 113 and 65 mM) raising [Ca] in the range 0·32-2 mM increased m.e.p.p. frequency but when raised above 2-3 mM, Ca depressed frequency.4. A model was proposed in which Ca affected transmitter release by changing the concentration in the presynaptic membrane of a complex CaX to which the rate of transmitter release was directly proportional. Higher concentrations of Ca depressed transmitter release by inactivating CaX. Sodium ions competitively depressed release either by competing with calcium ions for association with X or by reducing the affinity of X for Ca.5. When [Na] was lowered in solutions containing raised [Mg] and [Ca], the increase of mean m.e.p.p. frequency was greater than that observed in raised [Ca] and normal [Mg] and was of the same order as the increases seen in low [Ca]. The result was interpreted to indicate either that Na and Mg do not compete with Ca at the same site or that Mg affects the affinity of X for Ca and Na.6. The effect of lowering [Na] on m.e.p.p. frequency was a specific effect of Na ions. When LiCl was substituted for NaCl, the increase of m.e.p.p. frequency persisted. Changes in [Cl] had no effect on m.e.p.p. frequency.7. There was a linear relation between the mean logarithm of m.e.p.p. frequencies and [K], the slope of the relation increasing as [Na] was lowered. Conversely, lowering [Na] caused a greater increase in m.e.p.p. frequency as [K] was raised.8. The variation of m.e.p.p. frequencies in a diaphragm was roughly proportional to a second or higher power of [Na] and inversely proportion to [Ca]. It was thought that this could be due to differences in chelation of Ca which were more apparent at low Ca concentrations.9. The similarities between the effects of Na, Ca and K on m.e.p.p. frequency and the effects of these ions on Ca-influx in heart muscle led to the suggestion that transmitter release is proportional to the concentration of a negatively charged complex of a carrier X with one calcium ion (CaX) at the internal surface of the membrane and that changes in membrane potential affect transmitter release by changing the distribution or location of CaX in the membrane.
机译:1.记录大鼠diaphragm肌diaphragm神经制剂的神经肌肉接头处的微小终板电位(m.e.p.p.s)的频率2。在存在升高的[K](15-20 mM)的情况下,降低[Na]会导致m.e.p.p的迅速增加。 [Ca]较低还是正常的频率。将[Na]升高到正常浓度(162 mM)会导致频率缓慢下降,而[Ca]在0·32-2 mM范围内会导致频率缓慢增加。在正常的[K](5 mM).3中,这些影响较小。均值确定含有15 mM-K以及[Ca]和[Na]组合的溶液的频率。 M.e.p.p.当[Ca]恒定时,频率与[Na]成反比。在所使用的三种Na浓度(162、113和65 mM)的每一种中,升高的[Ca]在0·32-2 mM范围内都会增加m.e.p.p。但当频率升高到2-3 mM以上时,Ca会降低频率4。提出了一个模型,其中Ca通过改变复杂的CaX的突触前膜中的浓度来影响递质的释放,而复杂的CaX与递质的释放速率成正比。较高浓度的Ca通过抑制CaX释放抑制了发射机的释放。钠离子通过与钙离子竞争与X缔合或降低X对Ca.5的亲和力来竞争性抑制释放。当在含有升高的[Mg]和[Ca]的溶液中降低[Na]时,平均m.e.p.p.增加。频率高于在升高的[Ca]和正常[Mg]中观察到的频率,并且与在低[Ca]中观察到的升高频率相同。结果被解释为表明Na和Mg在同一位置上不与Ca竞争,或者Mg影响X对Ca和Na的亲和力。6。降低[Na]对m.e.p.p.的影响频率是钠离子的特定作用。当用LiCl代替NaCl时,m.e.p.p。的增加。频率持续存在。 [Cl]的变化对m.e.p.p没有影响。频率7。 m.e.p.p的平均对数之间存在线性关系。频率和[K],关系的斜率随着[Na]的降低而增加。相反,降低[Na]会导致m.e.p.p更大的增加。频率随着[K]的升高而提高。8。 m.e.p.p.的变化膜片中的频率大致与[Na]的第二或更高幂成正比,与[Ca]成反比。人们认为这可能是由于钙螯合的差异,在低钙浓度下更为明显。9。 Na,Ca和K对m.e.p.p的影响​​相似。频率和这些离子对心肌中Ca流入的影响导致提示,递质释放与载体X与膜内表面上带有一个钙离子(CaX)的带负电荷的复合物的浓度成正比,并且膜电位的变化通过改变CaX在膜中的分布或位置而影响变送器的释放。



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