首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Case Reports in Urology >Case of Eosinophilic Cystitis Treated with Suplatast Tosilate as Maintenance Therapy

Case of Eosinophilic Cystitis Treated with Suplatast Tosilate as Maintenance Therapy




Eosinophilic cystitis is a rare inflammatory lesion of the bladder, characterized by massive eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall. Its cause is not known definitely. A 49-year-old man consulted our department with a miction pain, gross hematuria, and frequent micturition. Urinalysis showed combined hematuria and pyuria, but urine culture was sterile. Abnormal findings of laboratory examination included an elevated white blood cell (WBC) count (15,700/μL) and the proportion of eosinophils in the peripheral blood was 12% of the WBCs (normal 0–5%). Cystoscopy revealed a solid mass with severe edematous mucosa. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also indicated marked bladder wall thickening, which was suspected for invasive bladder cancer. Transurethral biopsy of the bladder mass was performed with pathological examination revealing features of eosinophilic cystitis. After administration of a combination of prednisolone and suplatast tosilate, followed by monotherapy with suplatast tosilate, regression of the bladder mass, and normalization of the count of peripheral eosinophils were achieved. Fourteen months after steroid therapy, under treatment with suplatast tosilate, there was no relapse of urinary symptoms and the bladder mass.
机译:嗜酸性膀胱炎是一种罕见的膀胱炎性病变,其特征是膀胱壁大量嗜酸性浸润。其原因尚不清楚。一名49岁的男子因排尿疼痛,严重血尿和尿频而咨询了我们的部门。尿液分析显示血尿合并脓尿,但尿培养是无菌的。实验室检查的异常发现包括白细胞(WBC)计数升高(15,700 /μL),外周血嗜酸性粒细胞的比例为WBC的12%(正常为0–5%)。膀胱镜检查显示为实性肿块,伴有严重的水肿性粘膜。磁共振成像(MRI)还表明明显的膀胱壁增厚,怀疑是浸润性膀胱癌。膀胱肿块经尿道穿刺活检并进行病理检查,揭示嗜酸性膀胱炎的特征。给予泼尼松龙和苯磺酸舒普拉酯的联合用药后,再使用苯磺酸舒普拉酯的单药治疗,可使膀胱肿大消退,并使外周嗜酸性粒细胞计数正常化。类固醇治疗后14个月,使用甲苯磺酸舒拉普妥治疗,未出现泌尿症状和膀胱肿块复发。



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