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A Scientific Diversity Intervention to Reduce Gender Bias in a Sample of Life Scientists




Mounting experimental evidence suggests that subtle gender biases favoring men contribute to the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), including many subfields of the life sciences. However, there are relatively few evaluations of diversity interventions designed to reduce gender biases within the STEM community. Because gender biases distort the meritocratic evaluation and advancement of students, interventions targeting instructors’ biases are particularly needed. We evaluated one such intervention, a workshop called “Scientific Diversity” that was consistent with an established framework guiding the development of diversity interventions designed to reduce biases and was administered to a sample of life science instructors (N = 126) at several sessions of the National Academies Summer Institute for Undergraduate Education held nationwide. Evidence emerged indicating the efficacy of the “Scientific Diversity” workshop, such that participants were more aware of gender bias, expressed less gender bias, and were more willing to engage in actions to reduce gender bias 2 weeks after participating in the intervention compared with 2 weeks before the intervention. Implications for diversity interventions aimed at reducing gender bias and broadening the participation of women in the life sciences are discussed.
机译:越来越多的实验证据表明,偏爱男性的细微性别偏见导致妇女在科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)(包括生命科学的许多子领域)中的代表性不足。但是,对旨在减少STEM社区内性别偏见的多样性干预措施的评估相对较少。由于性别偏见扭曲了学生的精英评价和升职,因此特别需要针对教师偏见的干预措施。我们评估了一个这样的干预措施,即一个名为“科学多样性”的讲习班,该讲习班与指导旨在减少偏见的多样性干预措施发展的既定框架相一致,并在生命科学讲师的数次会议中被抽样给了生命科学讲师样本(N = 126)。全国大学暑期大学本科教育研究所在全国范围内举行。有证据表明,“科学多样性”讲习班的功效,使参加者在参加干预后两周更加意识到性别偏见,表达出更少的性别偏见,并且更愿意采取减少性别偏见的行动,而相比之下,2干预前几周。讨论了旨在减少性别偏见和扩大妇女对生命科学的参与的多样性干预措施的含义。



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