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Deep Neck Space Infections: A Case Series and Review of theLiterature




Deep neck spaces are regions of loose connective tissue filling areas between the 3 layers of deep cervical fascia, namely, superficial, middle, and deep layers. The superficial layer is the investing layer, The pretracheal layer is the intermediate layer and the prevertebral layer is the deepest layer. Deep neck space infection (DNI) is defined as an infection in the potential spaces and actual fascial planes of the neck. Once the natural resistance of fascial planes is overcome, spread of infection occurs along communicating fascial boundaries. More recent trends include the increasing prevalence of resistant bacterial strains, a decline in DNIs caused by pharyngitis or tonsillitis, and a relative increase in DNIs of odontogenic origin. Most DNIs are polymicrobial. Only 5% are purely aerobic and 25% with isolated anaerobes. The epidemiology of DNIs needs to be monitored for changing trends and the impact of underlying host immunity and developing microbial multidrug resistance is established. Surveillance at laboratory level should include mandatory susceptibility testing of all empiric antibiotics against microbes commonly identified in adult DNI microscopy, culture, and sensitivity (MC&S) specimens. The role of susceptibility testing of microbes not commonly identified in adult DNI MC&S specimensneeds further review, on a clinical case-by-case basis.
机译:颈部深处是深层颈筋膜的三层之间的松散结缔组织填充区域,即浅层,中层和深层。表层是投资层,气管前层是中间层,而椎前层是最深层。深颈部空间感染(DNI)定义为在颈部的潜在空间和实际筋膜平面中的感染。一旦克服筋膜平面的自然阻力,感染就会沿着连通的筋膜边界发生传播。最近的趋势包括耐药菌菌株的流行增加,由咽炎或扁桃体炎引起的DNI下降以及牙源性DNI的相对增加。大多数DNI是多微生物的。只有5%的人是纯有氧的,而有25%的人则是孤立的厌氧菌。需要监测DNI的流行病学,以了解变化趋势,并确定潜在宿主免疫力和发展中的微生物多药耐药性的影响。实验室水平的监测应包括对所有经验性抗生素针对成人DNI显微镜,培养和敏感性(MC&S)标本中常见的微生物进行强制药敏试验。成人DNI MC&S标本中未普遍鉴定的微生物药敏试验的作用需要根据具体情况进行进一步审查。



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