首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Rural Medicine : JRM >Assessing the link between endorsing attitudes justifying partner abuse andreproductive health care utilization among women in Lao PDR

Assessing the link between endorsing attitudes justifying partner abuse andreproductive health care utilization among women in Lao PDR




>Objective: Evidence from developing countries on the association between women’s endorsement of attitudes justifying partner abuse and their use of reproductive health services is suggestive but inconclusive. This study uses a nationally representative dataset from Lao PDR to provide strong evidence for the relationship between women’s endorsement of attitudes justifying partner abuse and use of reproductive health services.>Methods: This study used data from the 2011–2012 Lao Social Indicator survey (LSIS). The analyses were performed on the responses of 4227 women. The exposure of interest in this study was endorsement of attitudes justifying partner abuse. Antenatal care (ANC) visits divided according to amount and quality, delivery care by type and place, and utilization of postnatal care (PNC) for mothers and newborn infants were used as representative outcome variables of reproductive health service utilization.>Results: Approximately seven out of ten respondents (67.9%) believed that partner abuse was justified. Women who endorsed these attitudes were significantly less likely to receive any ANC, to seek institutional delivery, and to use trained medical personnel for delivery assistance. Endorsing attitudes were associated with reduced probability of receiving PNC services for mothers and newborn infants, reduced frequency of ANC visits, and receiving a fewer number of ANC components. Other sociodemographic factors likely to affect the increased utilization of several of the indicators ofreproductive health care were living in the central region, belonging to the high bands ofwealth, having higher level of education, being a young adult (20–34 years) or older(35–49 years), residing in urban areas, and being sexually empowered.>Conclusions: In addition to a broad range of sociodemographic factors, ourfindings suggested that women’s endorsement of attitudes justifying partner abuse shouldbe treated as an important psychosocial determinant of reproductive health care serviceutilization in Lao PDR.
机译:>目的:来自发展中国家的证据表明,妇女认可伴侣虐待的态度与她们使用生殖健康服务之间的关联是有启发性的,但尚无定论。这项研究使用了来自老挝人民民主共和国的具有全国代表性的数据集,为妇女认可支持伴侣虐待的态度与使用生殖健康服务之间的关系提供了有力证据。>方法:该研究使用了2011-2012年的数据老挝社会指标调查(LSIS)。对4227名妇女的反应进行了分析。在这项研究中的兴趣暴露是证明有理由滥用伴侣的态度。产前检查(ANC)按数量和质量划分,按类型和地点分娩,按母亲和新生儿的产后保健(PNC)利用率作为生殖健康服务利用率的代表性结果变量。>结果: 十分之七(67.9%)的受访者认为虐待伴侣是合理的。赞同这些态度的妇女接受ANC,寻求机构分娩以及使用训练有素的医务人员提供分娩援助的可能性大大降低。认可的态度与降低为母亲和婴儿接受PNC服务的可能性,减少的ANC探访频率以及较少的ANC组件相关。其他社会人口统计学因素可能会影响以下指标的更多利用:生殖健康保健生活在中部地区,属于财富,受过较高的教育水平,年龄在20-34岁之间的年轻人(35-49岁),居住在城市地区,并获得性授权。>结论:除了广泛的社会人口统计因素外,我们调查结果表明,妇女对伴侣虐待的态度应予以支持被视为生殖保健服务的重要社会心理决定因素老挝人民民主共和国的利用率。



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