首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research >Subregional Hippocampal Thickness Abnormalities in Older Adults with a History of Heavy Cannabis Use

Subregional Hippocampal Thickness Abnormalities in Older Adults with a History of Heavy Cannabis Use




>Background and Aims: Legalization of cannabis (CB) for both medicinal and, in some states, recreational use, has given rise to increasing usage rates across the country. Of particular concern are indications that frequent CB use may be selectively harmful to the developing adolescent brain compared with adult-onset usage. However, the long-term effects of heavy, adolescent CB use on brain structure and cognitive performance in late-life remain unknown. A critical brain region is the hippocampus (HC), where there is a striking intersection between high concentrations of cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors and age-related pathology.>Design: We investigated whether older adults (average age=66.6+7.2 years old) with a history of early life CB use show morphological differences in hippocampal subregions compared with older, nonusers.>Methods: We performed high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging combined with computational techniques to assess cortical thickness of the medial temporal lobe, neuropsychological testing, and extensive drug use histories on 50 subjects (24 formerly heavy cannabis users [CB+ group] abstinent for an average of 28.7 years, 26 nonusers [CB− group]). We investigated group differences in hippocampal subregions, controlling for age, sex, and intelligence (as measured by the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading), years of education, and cigarette use.>Results: The CB+ subjects exhibited thinner cortices in subfields cornu ammonis 1 [CA1; F(1,42)=9.96, p=0.0003], and CA2, 3, and the dentate gyrus [CA23DG; F(1,42)=23.17, p<0.0001], and in the entire HC averaged over all subregions [F(1,42)=8.49, p=0.006].>Conclusions: Negative effects of chronic adolescent CB use on hippocampal structure are maintained well into late life. Because hippocampal cortical loss underlies and exacerbates age-related cognitive decline, these findings have profound implications for aging adults with a history of early life usage.Clinical Trial Registration: # .
机译:>背景和目标:药用和娱乐用途(某些州)的大麻(CB)合法化导致全国使用率​​上升。特别值得注意的是,与成人发作相比,频繁使用CB可能对发育中的青少年大脑有选择地有害。然而,长期使用大量青春期CB对大脑结构和晚期认知能力的长期影响仍然未知。关键的大脑区域是海马(HC),高浓度的大麻素1(CB1)受体与年龄相关的病理之间存在明显的交集。>设计:我们调查了老年人(平均年龄)是否= 66.6 + 7.2岁)具有早期使用CB的历史,与未使用CB的老年人相比,海马亚区域显示出形态学差异。>方法:我们进行了高分辨率磁共振成像与计算技术的结合评估内侧颞叶的皮层厚度,神经心理测试以及广泛的药物使用史,涉及50位受试者(24位以前曾使用过重度大麻的人[CB +组]戒酒的平均时间为28.7年,26位不使用大麻的人[CB-组])。我们调查了海马次区域的群体差异,控制了年龄,性别和智力(通过成人阅读的韦氏测验测得),受教育年限和吸烟情况。>结果: CB +受试者表现得较瘦皮质的角膜亚门1 [CA1; F(1,42)= 9.96,p = 0.0003],以及CA2,3和齿状回[CA23DG; F(1,42)= 9.96,p = 0.0003]。 F(1,42)= 23.17,p <0.0001],并且整个HC在所有子区域的平均值[F(1,42)= 8.49,p = 0.006]。>结论:长期使用青春期CB对海马结构的影响一直维持到生命晚期。由于海马皮质的丧失是与年龄相关的认知功能下降的基础并加重了年龄的认知下降,因此这些发现对具有早期生命使用史的成年成年人具有深远的影响。



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