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Validation of a French Version of the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire (MacNamara Collins ): A Situated Approach to Talent Development




This study sought to validate the psychometric properties of a French-language version of the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire (PCDEQ). Data were gathered from 305 athletes in French-speaking Switzerland (mean age: 16.6 yr, SD: 2.9). Translation of the PCDEQ followed established guidelines and included a standardized back-translation process. The psychometric properties were examined by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alphas for internal reliability, confirmatory factor analysis, intraclass correlations and a paired t-test for test-retest reliability. The results provided evidence of validity of the French version of the PCDEQ. Two items were excluded for low factor loading, and the re-specified model was improved and confirmed the six-dimensional structure with acceptable fit using most criteria (χ2/df), RMSEA, SRMR, TFI, CFI). Cronbach's alpha also indicated that internal reliability was adequate for validation. Given the adequate psychometric properties, the French-version PCDEQ can be used with confidence for monitoring and designing interventions to enable aspiring athletes or artists to develop the psychological skills and characteristics that can act as important catalysts for their development.Key points class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc">Talent is assumed to emerge from distributed and functional relationships between the athlete and context.The absence of psychological skills may hinder aspiring athletes in overcoming obstacles along the path to excellence.The PCDEQ is a questionnaire that assess and track psychological skills as athletes develop.The PCDEQ is an assessment tool for sport psychologists to develop and enhance athletes' mental skills while respecting their well-being.
机译:这项研究旨在验证发展卓越问卷调查(PCDEQ)的法语语言版本的心理计量学特性。数据来自瑞士法语国家的305名运动员(平均年龄:16.6岁,标准差:2.9)。 PCDEQ的翻译遵循既定的准则,并包括标准化的反向翻译过程。通过描述性统计数据,Cronbach的Alpha用于内部可靠性,确认性因素分析,组内相关性以及成对的t检验来检验重测信度,来检验心理计量学特性。结果提供了法文版PCDEQ有效性的证据。低因素负荷排除了两项,对重新指定的模型进行了改进,并使用大多数标准(χ 2 / df),RMSEA,SRMR,TFI, CFI)。 Cronbach的alpha也表明内部可靠性足以验证。鉴于具有足够的心理测验特性,法国版PCDEQ可以放心地用于监视和设计干预措施,以使有抱负的运动员或艺术家能够开发心理技能和特征,这些心理和特征可以作为促进他们发展的重要催化剂。 “ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc”> <!-list-behavior = unordered prefix-word = mark-type = disc max-label-size = 0-> 假定人才 缺乏心理技能可能会阻止有抱负的运动员克服通往卓越道路的障碍。 PCDEQ是一项问卷, PCDEQ是体育心理学家的评估工具,它是运动心理学家在尊重运动员福祉的同时发展和增强运动员心理技能的工具。



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