
Historical Development of Origins Research




Following the publication of the Origin of Species in 1859, many naturalists adopted the idea that living organisms were the historical outcome of gradual transformation of lifeless matter. These views soon merged with the developments of biochemistry and cell biology and led to proposals in which the origin of protoplasm was equated with the origin of life. The heterotrophic origin of life proposed by Oparin and Haldane in the 1920s was part of this tradition, which Oparin enriched by transforming the discussion of the emergence of the first cells into a workable multidisciplinary research program.On the other hand, the scientific trend toward understanding biological phenomena at the molecular level led authors like Troland, Muller, and others to propose that single molecules or viruses represented primordial living systems. The contrast between these opposing views on the origin of life represents not only contrasting views of the nature of life itself, but also major ideological discussions that reached a surprising intensity in the years following Stanley Miller’s seminal result which showed the ease with which organic compounds of biochemical significance could be synthesized under putative primitive conditions. In fact, during the years following the Miller experiment, attempts to understand the origin of life were strongly influenced by research on DNA replication and protein biosynthesis, and, in socio-political terms, by the atmosphere created by Cold War tensions.The catalytic versatility of RNA molecules clearly merits a critical reappraisal of Muller’s viewpoint. However, the discovery of ribozymes does not imply that autocatalytic nucleic acid molecules ready to be used as primordial genes were floating in the primitive oceans, or that the RNA world emerged completely assembled from simple precursors present in the prebiotic soup. The evidence supporting the presence of a wide range of organic molecules on the primitive Earth, including membrane-forming compounds, suggests that the evolution of membrane-bounded molecular systems preceded cellular life on our planet, and that life is the evolutionary outcome of a process, not of a single, fortuitous event.
机译:1859年《物种起源》发表后,许多自然主义者采纳了以下观点:活生物体是无生命物质逐渐转化的历史结果。这些观点很快与生物化学和细胞生物学的发展融为一体,并提出了将原生质的起源等同于生命的起源的提议。 Oparin和Haldane在1920年代提出的异养生命起源是这一传统的一部分,Oparin通过将对第一个细胞的出现的讨论转变为可行的多学科研究计划而得以丰富,另一方面,人们对理解的科学趋势也有所发展。在分子水平上的生物学现象导致Troland,Muller等人的作者提出单分子或病毒代表原始的生命系统。这些关于生命起源的对立观点之间的对比不仅代表了对生命本身本质的对比观点,而且还代表了主要的意识形态讨论,这些讨论在斯坦利·米勒的开创性结果表明其有机化合物的易用性之后的几年中达到了令人惊讶的强度。生化意义可以在假定的原始条件下合成。事实上,在米勒(Miller)实验之后的数年中,了解生命起源的尝试受到DNA复制和蛋白质生物合成研究的强烈影响,从社会政治角度而言,受到冷战紧张局势造成的气氛的影响。 RNA分子的分离显然值得对穆勒的观点进行批判性的重新评估。但是,核酶的发现并不意味着准备用作原始基因的自催化核酸分子在原始海洋中漂浮,也不意味着RNA世界是由益生元汤中存在的简单前体完全组装而成的。支持原始地球上各种有机分子(包括形成膜的化合物)存在的证据表明,与膜结合的分子系统的进化先于我们星球上的细胞生命,而生命是一个过程的进化结果,而不是一个偶然的事件。



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