首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Comparative Medicine >Blood D-(–)-3-Hydroxybutyrate Concentrations after Oral Administration of Trioctanoin Trinonanoin or Tridecanoin to Newborn Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)

Blood D-(–)-3-Hydroxybutyrate Concentrations after Oral Administration of Trioctanoin Trinonanoin or Tridecanoin to Newborn Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)




Premature newborn infants are born with limited stores of glycogen and fat. Energy, such as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which can spare the use of body protein as metabolic energy, may be beneficial. This study compares MCT containing C8, C9, or C10 fatty acids as oral sources of energy for newborn rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). On day 1 of life, 4 groups of 5 monkeys were given a single dose of water or MCT by nasogastric tube. The dose provided approximately 80% of the expected energy requirement. Plasma C8:0, C9:0, and C10:0 fatty acids and whole-blood D-(–)-3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) concentrations were measured at 0, 1, and 3 h after dosing. Concentrations of free fatty acids (C8, C9, or C10) and ketone (3HB) increased with time after the dose. At 1 and 3 h, concentrations of C8 and C9 did not differ, but C9 was greater than C10. At 1 h, blood 3HB concentrations due to C8 triglyceride were higher than C9 or C10 (503 versus 174 and 225 μmol/L respectively). As MCT chain length increased from C8 to C10, blood concentration of 3HB decreased. Odd-chain MCT (C9 versus C8) resulted in lower whole-blood ketone (3HB), perhaps due to C9 metabolism or the rate of release or uptake of fatty acids. These results have implications for the use of MCT in nutritional supplements for preterm infants.
机译:早产儿出生时糖原和脂肪储存有限。能量,例如中链甘油三酸酯(MCT),可以省去利用人体蛋白质作为代谢能,这可能是有益的。这项研究比较了含有C8,C9或C10脂肪酸的MCT作为新生恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)的口服能量来源。在生命的第1天,通过鼻胃管向4组的5只猴子提供单剂量的水或MCT。剂量提供了预期能量需求的大约80%。在给药后0、1、3小时测量血浆C8:0,C9:0和C10:0脂肪酸以及全血D-(–)-3-羟基丁酸酯(3HB)的浓度。给药后,游离脂肪酸(C8,C9或C10)和酮(3HB)的浓度随时间增加。在1和3小时时,C8和C9的浓度没有差异,但是C9大于C10。在1 h时,由于C8甘油三酸酯引起的血液3HB浓度高于C9或C10(分别为503和174和225μmol/ L)。随着MCT链长度从C8增加到C10,3HB的血药浓度降低。奇链MCT(C9与C8)导致较低的全血酮(3HB),这可能是由于C9代谢或脂肪酸的释放或摄取速率所致。这些结果暗示了MCT在早产儿营养补充品中的使用。



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