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An exploration of social determinants of health amongst internally displaced persons in northern Uganda




Social determinants of health describe the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age and their influence on health. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels, which are themselves influenced by policy choices. Armed conflict and forced displacement are important influences on the social determinants of health. There is limited evidence on the social determinants of health of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have been forced from their homes due to armed conflict but remain within the borders of their country. The aim of this study was to explore the social determinants of overall physical and mental health of IDPs, including the response strategies used by IDPs to support their health needs. Northern Uganda was chosen as a case-study, and 21 face-to-face semi-structured interviews with IDPs were conducted in fifteen IDP camps between November and December 2006.The findings indicated a number of key social determinants. Experiencing traumatic events could cause "over thinking" which in turn could lead to "madness" and physical ailments. Respondents also attributed "over thinking" to the spirit (cen) of a killed person returning to disturb its killer. Other social determinants included overcrowding which affected physical health and contributed to an emotional sense of loss of freedom; and poverty and loss of land which affected physical health from lack of food and income, and mental health because of worry and uncertainty. Respondents also commented on how the conflict and displacement and led to changes in social and cultural norms such as increased "adultery", "defilement", and "thieving". Response strategies included a combination of biopsychosocial health services, traditional practices, religion, family and friends, and isolating.This study supports work exploring the political, environmental, economic, and socio-cultural determinants of health of IDPs. Addressing these determinants is essential to fundamentally improving the overall physical and mental health of IDPs.
机译:健康的社会决定因素描述了人们出生,成长,生活,工作和年龄的条件及其对健康的影响。这些情况是由全球,国家和地方各级的金钱,权力和资源分配决定的,这些因素本身受政策选择的影响。武装冲突和强迫流离失所对健康的社会决定因素有重要影响。关于国内流离失所者健康状况的社会决定因素的证据有限,这些人由于武装冲突而被迫离开家园,但仍留在本国境内。这项研究的目的是探索影响国内流离失所者整体身心健康的社会决定因素,包括国内流离失所者用来支持其健康需求的应对策略。选择了乌干达北部作为案例研究对象,在2006年11月至2006年12月的15个IDP营地中进行了21次与IDP面对面的半结构化访谈,调查结果表明了许多关键的社会决定因素。经历创伤事件可能会导致“过度思考”,进而导致“疯狂”和身体疾病。受访者还把“过度思考”归因于一个被杀者返回以打扰其杀手的精神。其他社会决定因素包括人满为患,这会影响身体健康并导致失去自由的情感感;贫困和土地流失,由于缺乏食物和收入而影响身体健康,以及由于担心和不确定性而影响心理健康。受访者还评论说冲突和流离失所如何导致社会和文化规范发生变化,例如“通奸”,“ de污”和“窃贼”增多。应对策略包括生物心理社会卫生服务,传统习俗,宗教,家庭和朋友以及孤立的组合。这项研究支持探索国内流离失所者健康的政治,环境,经济和社会文化决定因素的工作。解决这些决定因素对于从根本上改善国内流离失所者的整体身心健康至关重要。



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