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Extending neoadjuvant care through multi-disciplinary collaboration: proceedings from the fourth annual meeting of the Canadian Consortium for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer




The use of systemic therapy before surgery (“neoadjuvant therapy”) is the standard of care for the treatment of locally advanced and nonoperable breast cancer. The advantages of neoadjuvant therapy include improved rates of breast-conserving surgery, the possibility of early measurement of response, and potentially improved outcomes for certain subgroups of high-risk patients. The use of neoadjuvant therapy in operable breast cancer is increasing, although there are no clear guidelines in Canada to help guide patient selection and management.Multidisciplinary experts in the diagnosis and treatment of locally advanced breast cancer (labc) converged at the fourth annual meeting of the Canadian Consortium for LABC (colab) to further their goals of improved standards for neoadjuvant care and clinical research through education and collaboration. Canadian clinical researchers were joined by Dr. Michael Untch of the Helios Hospital Berlin–Buch—representing the German neoadjuvant treatment groups German Gynecologic Oncology Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynakologische Onkologie) and German Breast Group—to discuss the advancement of research in the neoadjuvant setting and important issues of clinical care and investigator-led research. The group reached a consensus on the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration, the use of clips to mark tumour location, and core biopsy testing for the estrogen and progesterone receptors and the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 at the time of diagnosis. Other initiatives—including creation of a prospective database, inception of the colab Neoadjuvant Network, and development of a clinical survey to evaluate current practice—continue to further the colab mandate of transforming the neoadjuvant treatment landscape in Canada.
机译:术前使用全身疗法(“新辅助疗法”)是治疗局部晚期不可手术乳腺癌的护理标准。新辅助疗法的优点包括提高保乳率,早期测量反应的可能性以及对某些高危患者亚组的潜在改善。尽管加拿大尚无明确的指导原则来指导患者的选择和治疗,但新辅助疗法在可手术乳腺癌中的使用正在增加。诊断和治疗局部晚期乳腺癌(labc)的多学科专家汇聚于加拿大LABC联盟(可口可乐)通过教育和合作,进一步提高了新辅助治疗和临床研究标准的目标。柏林布赫Helios医院的Michael Untch博士参加了加拿大临床研究人员的工作,该博士代表德国新辅助治疗组,德国妇科肿瘤学工作组(Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynakologische Onkologie)和德国乳腺癌组—讨论了新辅助治疗环境和研究的进展。临床护理和研究人员主导研究的重要问题。该小组就多学科合作的重要性,使用夹子标记肿瘤位置以及在诊断时对雌激素和孕激素受体以及人类表皮生长因子受体2进行核心活检测试达成了共识。其他举措(包括创建前瞻性数据库,建立colab新辅助网络,以及开展临床调查以评估当前实践)继续推进了colab的任务,以改变加拿大的新辅助治疗方式。



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