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Data describing Upland cotton cultivars and advanced breeding lines used in Colombia




In the last century, more than a hundred of cultivars were used in the cotton production system in Colombia. Breeding for cultivars adapted to tropical environments had been the main purpose of the Colombian agricultural research institutions dedicated to cotton. Data describing yield and fiber quality traits of these cultivars (and the introduced ones mainly from USA) is scattered across grey literature which reduces chances of discovering, accessing and assessing this information.This data article contains databases describing i) Colombian and introduced Upland cotton cultivars used in Colombia and ii) ramulosis-resistance scores of lines developed by the Colombian breeding program. The first database was constructed from data extracted from grey literature mainly produced by ICA and CORPOICA (rebranded today as AGROSAVIA), the Colombian agricultural research agencies. The second one describes the Cereté lines (LCER) database. These advanced breeding lines were developed for improved yield performance in tropical environments, specifically monsoon and savanna climates. The LCER dataset also describes the ramulosis field resistance of these cultivars. Ramulosis is an endemic disease in South America caused by Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides. The data in this article supports and augments information presented in the research articles [1]: and [3].
机译:在上个世纪,哥伦比亚的棉花生产系统中使用了一百多个品种。适应热带环境的品种育种一直是致力于棉花的哥伦比亚农业研究机构的主要目的。描述这些品种(主要是从美国引进的)的产量和纤维品质性状的数据分散在灰色文献中,这减少了发现,获取和评估该信息的机会。此数据文章包含描述i)哥伦比亚和引进的陆地棉品种的数据库ii)由哥伦比亚育种计划开发的品系抗鼠疫性评分。第一个数据库是从主要由ICA和CORPOICA(今天更名为AGROSAVIA)(哥伦比亚农业研究机构)生产的灰色文献中提取的数据构建的。第二篇介绍了CeretéLines(LCER)数据库。这些先进的育种系的开发旨在提高热带环境(特别是季风和热带稀树草原气候)的单产。 LCER数据集还描述了这些品种的曲霉病抗性。毛发病是南美洲的一种地方病,是由棉炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gossypii var)引起的。头孢菌素。本文中的数据支持并扩充了研究文章[1]和[3]中提供的信息。



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