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The Avocado Sunblotch Viroid: An Invisible Foe of Avocado




This review collects information about the history of avocado and the economically important disease, avocado sunblotch, caused by the avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd). Sunblotch symptoms are variable, but the most common in fruits are irregular sunken areas of white, yellow, or reddish color. On severely affected fruits, the sunken areas may become necrotic. ASBVd (type species Avocado sunblotch viroid, family Avsunviroidae) replicates and accumulates in the chloroplast, and it is the smallest plant pathogen. This pathogen is a circular single-stranded RNA of 246–251 nucleotides. ASBVd has a restricted host range and only few plant species of the family Lauraceae have been confirmed experimentally as additional hosts. The most reliable method to detect ASBVd in the field is to identify symptomatic fruits, complemented in the laboratory with reliable and sensitive molecular techniques to identify infected but asymptomatic trees. This pathogen is widely distributed in most avocado-producing areas and causes significant reductions in yield and fruit quality. Infected asymptomatic trees play an important role in the epidemiology of this disease, and avocado nurseries need to be certified to ensure they provide pathogen-free avocado material. Although there is no cure for infected trees, sanitation practices may have a significant impact on avoiding the spread of this pathogen.
机译:这篇评论收集有关鳄梨历史以及鳄梨晒斑类病毒(ASBVd)引起的经济上重要的疾病-鳄梨晒斑的信息。晒斑症状是可变的,但在水果中最常见的是白色,黄色或带红色的不规则凹陷区域。在严重受影响的水果上,凹陷区域可能会坏死。 ASBVd(鳄梨晒斑类病毒类型种,Avsunviroidae属)在叶绿体中复制和积累,是最小的植物病原体。该病原体是一个246-251个核苷酸的环状单链RNA。 ASBVd的寄主范围有限,并且经实验证实只有少量月桂科植物是其他寄主。在现场检测ASBVd的最可靠方法是鉴定有症状的果实,并在实验室中辅以可靠且灵敏的分子技术来鉴定感染但无症状的树木。这种病原体广泛分布在大多数鳄梨产区,并导致产量和果实品质显着下降。被感染的无症状树木在这种疾病的流行病学中起着重要作用,鳄梨苗圃需要获得认证,以确保它们提供不含病原体的鳄梨材料。尽管无法治愈受感染的树木,但卫生措施可能会对避免这种病原体的传播产生重大影响。



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