首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Viruses >Identification Pathogenicity of Novel Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 SDJN0105 in Shandong China and Immunoprotective Evaluation of the Newly Developed Inactivated Oil-emulsion FAdV-4 Vaccine

Identification Pathogenicity of Novel Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 SDJN0105 in Shandong China and Immunoprotective Evaluation of the Newly Developed Inactivated Oil-emulsion FAdV-4 Vaccine




Since mid-2015, numerous outbreaks of hydropericardium-hepatitis syndrome (HHS), which is caused by a novel fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4), have been reported in chickens in parts of China, thereby causing huge economic losses to the poultry industry. Thus, an effective vaccine to control the further spread of infections with this hyper-virulent FAdV-4 is imperative. In this study, we isolated a novel FAdV-4 strain SDJN0105 from a broiler farm with HHS disease in Shandong Province. Pathogenicity was evaluated by the observation of clinical symptoms, necropsy changes, and pathological tissue sections after oral and intramuscular (IM) infection of Specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens. The chickens infected by IM injection all died within three days, and chickens infected via the oculonasal route died within five days post-infection (dpi). Histopathological examination revealed that the pathology was confined to heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and particularly the liver. Irrespective of the inoculation route, the highest viral DNA copy numbers were detected in the livers of infected chickens. The mRNA expression levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IFNs, TNF-α, Mx, and OASL were significantly upregulated during the viral infection. In addition, an inactivated oil-emulsion FAdV-4 vaccine was developed. The vaccine could provide full protection for SPF chickens against a lethal dose of the FAdV-4 strain SDJN0105 and a high level of antibodies. These results improve our understanding of the innate immune responses in chickens infected with FAdV-4 and the pathogenesis of FAdV-4 caused by host factors, and the developed FAdV-4 vaccine is promising as a drug candidate for the prevention and reduction of the spread of HHS in poultry in China.
机译:自2015年中以来,在中国部分地区已报告了由新型禽类4型禽病毒(FAdV-4)引起的无数次心包膜硬膜外肝炎综合征(HHS)暴发,给家禽造成了巨大的经济损失行业。因此,必须有一种有效的疫苗来控制这种高毒力的FAdV-4感染的进一步扩散。在这项研究中,我们从山东省患有HHS病的肉鸡场中分离出了新型FAdV-4菌株SDJN0105。通过观察无特异性病原体(SPF)鸡的口服和肌内(IM)感染后的临床症状,尸检变化和病理组织切片来评估病原性。 IM注射感染的鸡都在三天内死亡,而经眼鼻途径感染的鸡在感染后(dpi)的五天内死亡。组织病理学检查显示该病理局限于心脏,肝脏,脾脏,肺,肾,尤其是肝脏。无论接种途径如何,在感染鸡的肝脏中检测到最高的病毒DNA拷贝数。在病毒感染期间,IL-1β,IL-6,IL-8,IFN,TNF-α,Mx和OASL的mRNA表达水平显着上调。另外,开发了灭活的油乳剂FAdV-4疫苗。该疫苗可以为SPF鸡提供全面保护,使其免受致命剂量的FAdV-4株SDJN0105和高水平抗体的侵害。这些结果增进了我们对受FAdV-4感染的鸡的先天免疫应答以及宿主因素引起的FAdV-4发病机理的了解,并且开发的FAdV-4疫苗有望作为预防和减少传播的候选药物。中国家禽的HHS分析



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