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Viroid Replication: Rolling-Circles Enzymes and Ribozymes




Viroids, due to their small size and lack of protein-coding capacity, must rely essentially on their hosts for replication. Intriguingly, viroids have evolved the ability to replicate in two cellular organella, the nucleus (family Pospiviroidae) and the chloroplast (family Avsunviroidae). Viroid replication proceeds through an RNA-based rolling-circle mechanism with three steps that, with some variations, operate in both polarity strands: i) synthesis of longer-than-unit strands catalyzed by either the nuclear RNA polymerase II or a nuclear-encoded chloroplastic RNA polymerase, in both instances redirected to transcribe RNA templates, ii) cleavage to unit-length, which in the family Avsunviroidae is mediated by hammerhead ribozymes embedded in both polarity strands, while in the family Pospiviroidae the oligomeric RNAs provide the proper conformation but not the catalytic activity, and iii) circularization. The host RNA polymerases, most likely assisted by additional host proteins, start transcription from specific sites, thus implying the existence of viroid promoters. Cleavage and ligation in the family Pospiviroidae is probably catalyzed by an RNase III-like enzyme and an RNA ligase able to circularize the resulting 5′ and 3′ termini. Whether a chloroplastic RNA ligase mediates circularization in the family Avsunviroidae, or this reaction is autocatalytic, remains an open issue.
机译:由于类病毒体小且缺乏蛋白质编码能力,它们必须基本上依赖其宿主进行复制。有趣的是,类病毒已经进化出在两个细胞器中复制的能力,即细胞核(Pospiviroidae家族)和叶绿体(Avsunviroidae家族)。类病毒复制通过基于RNA的滚环机制进行,该机制具有三个步骤,这些步骤在两个极性链中都有一些变化:i)核RNA聚合酶II或核编码催化的长于单位的链的合成在两种情况下,叶绿体RNA聚合酶均被重定向以转录RNA模板,ii)切割成单位长度,在Avsunviroidae家族中,锤头状核酶嵌入了两个极性链中,而在Pospiviroidae家族中,寡聚RNA提供了适当的构象,但而不是催化活性,和iii)环化。宿主RNA聚合酶(最可能是由其他宿主蛋白协助)从特定位点开始转录,因此暗示存在类病毒启动子。假单胞菌科的切割和连接可能是由能够使所得5'和3'末端环化的RNase III类酶和RNA连接酶催化的。叶绿体RNA连接酶是否介导Avsunviroidae家族中的环化反应,或者该反应是自催化的,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。



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