首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Trends in Hearing >Effect of Probe Tube Insertion Depth on Spectral Measures of Speech

Effect of Probe Tube Insertion Depth on Spectral Measures of Speech




This study investigated how depth variations in the tip of the probe tube affected spectral measures of speech recorded in the external ear canal. Consonant-vowel nonsense syllables were recorded with a probe tube microphone system in 10 adult participants with normal middle ear function. Recordings were made with the probe tube tip placed 1 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm beyond the medial tip of a custom earmold. The effect of probe depth was evaluated on spectral levels (one-third octave and one-twelfth octave band). Extending the probe tube 10 mm past the medial tip of the earmold gave the most accurate results, with relatively lower sound levels for either the 1-mm or 5-mm insertion depth. In general, the effect of insertion depth was minimal at frequencies below 3 to 4 kHz, although this varied with the specific phoneme and the width of the analysis bands. The authors found no significant difference between 1- and 5-mm insertion depths, suggesting that as long as the tip of the probe tube is sufficiently close to the tympanic membrane to capture the highest frequency of interest, it makes little difference if it is less than 5 mm beyond the earmold tip.
机译:这项研究调查了探管尖端的深度变化如何影响外耳道中记录的语音频谱测量。用探管麦克风系统在10名中耳功能正常的成年参与者中记录了辅音元的无意义音节。探针放置在自定义耳模的内侧末端1毫米,5毫米和10毫米之外的位置进行录音。在频谱水平(三分之一倍频程和十二分之一倍频程)上评估了探头深度的影响。将探管延伸到耳模内侧尖端10毫米处可获得最准确的结果,插入深度为1毫米或5毫米时声音级别相对较低。通常,在3至4 kHz以下的频率下,插入深度的影响最小,尽管随特定音素和分析频带的宽度而变化。作者发现1毫米和5毫米插入深度之间没有显着差异,这表明只要探针管的尖端足够靠近鼓膜以捕获感兴趣的最高频率,如果探针深度较小,则差异不大。超过耳模尖端5毫米。



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