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PPD ACT: an app-based genetic study of postpartum depression

机译:PPD ACT:基于应用程序的产后抑郁症遗传研究



Postpartum depression (PPD) is one of the most frequent complications of childbirth and particularly is suited to genetic investigation as it is more homogenous than major depression outside of the perinatal period. We developed an iOS app (PPD ACT) to recruit, consent, screen, and enable DNA collection from women with a lifetime history of PPD to sufficiently power genome-wide association studies. In 1 year, we recruited 7344 women with a history of PPD and have biobanked 2946 DNA samples from the US. This sample of PPD cases was notably severely affected and within 2 years of their worst episode of PPD. Clinical validation was performed within a hospital setting on a subset of participants and recall validity assessed 6–9 months after initial assessment to ensure reliability of screening tools. Here we detail the creation of the PPD ACT mobile app including design, ethical, security, and deployment considerations. We emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration to correctly implement such a research project. Additionally, we describe our ability to customize the PPD ACT platform to deploy internationally in order to collect a global sample of women with PPD.
机译:产后抑郁症(PPD)是分娩中最常见的并发症之一,特别适合于基因研究,因为它比围产期以外的严重抑郁症更为同质。我们开发了一个iOS应用程序(PPD ACT),以招募,同意,筛选并启用具有PPD终生史的女性的DNA收集,以充分支持全基因组关联研究。在1年的时间里,我们招募了7344名具有PPD历史的女性,并对来自美国的2946个DNA样本进行了生物存储。该PPD病例样本受到严重影响,并且在其最严重的PPD发作后的两年内。在医院内对部分参与者进行临床验证,并在初次评估后6-9个月评估召回有效性,以确保筛查工具的可靠性。在这里,我们详细介绍了PPD ACT移动应用程序的创建,包括设计,道德,安全性和部署注意事项。我们强调多学科合作对正确实施此类研究项目的重要性。此外,我们描述了自定义PPD ACT平台以在国际上部署以收集全球PPD妇女样本的能力。



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