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Evaluation of Google Glass Technical Limitations on Their Integration in Medical Systems

机译:评估Google Glass在医疗系统中的集成技术局限性



Google Glass is a wearable sensor presented to facilitate access to information and assist while performing complex tasks. Despite the withdrawal of Google in supporting the product, today there are multiple applications and much research analyzing the potential impact of this technology in different fields of medicine. Google Glass satisfies the need of managing and having rapid access to real-time information in different health care scenarios. Among the most common applications are access to electronic medical records, display monitorizations, decision support and remote consultation in specialties ranging from ophthalmology to surgery and teaching. The device enables a user-friendly hands-free interaction with remote health information systems and broadcasting medical interventions and consultations from a first-person point of view. However, scientific evidence highlights important technical limitations in its use and integration, such as failure in connectivity, poor reception of images and automatic restart of the device. This article presents a technical study on the aforementioned limitations (specifically on the latency, reliability and performance) on two standard communication schemes in order to categorize and identify the sources of the problems. Results have allowed us to obtain a basis to define requirements for medical applications to prevent network, computational and processing failures associated with the use of Google Glass.
机译:Google Glass是一种可穿戴式传感器,旨在促进信息访问并在执行复杂任务时提供帮助。尽管Google退出了对该产品的支持,但如今仍有许多应用程序和大量研究分析了该技术在不同医学领域的潜在影响。 Google Glass满足了在不同医疗保健场景中管理和快速访问实时信息的需求。其中最常见的应用是访问电子病历,显示监控,决策支持和远程咨询,这些专业涉及眼科,外科手术和教学。该设备使用户能够与远程健康信息系统进行友好的免提交互,并从第一人称角度广播医疗干预和咨询。但是,科学证据突显了其使用和集成中的重要技术限制,例如连接失败,图像接收不良以及设备自动重启。本文介绍了对两种标准通信方案的上述限制(特别是在延迟,可靠性和性能方面)的技术研究,以便对问题的来源进行分类和识别。结果使我们获得了定义医疗应用要求的基础,以防止与使用Google Glass相关的网络,计算和处理失败。



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