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Design and Development of nEMoS an All-in-One Low-Cost Web-Connected and 3D-Printed Device for Environmental Analysis




The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) refers to the quality of the environment in relation to the health and well-being of the occupants. It is a holistic concept, which considers several categories, each related to a specific environmental parameter. This article describes a low-cost and open-source hardware architecture able to detect the indoor variables necessary for the IEQ calculation as an alternative to the traditional hardware used for this purpose. The system consists of some sensors and an Arduino board. One of the key strengths of Arduino is the possibility it affords of loading the script into the board’s memory and letting it run without interfacing with computers, thus granting complete independence, portability and accuracy. Recent works have demonstrated that the cost of scientific equipment can be reduced by applying open-source principles to their design using a combination of the Arduino platform and a 3D printer. The evolution of the 3D printer has provided a new means of open design capable of accelerating self-directed development. The proposed >nano >Environmental >Monitoring >System (nEMoS) instrument is shown to have good reliability and it provides the foundation for a more critical approach to the use of professional sensors as well as for conceiving new scenarios and potential applications.
机译:室内环境质量(IEQ)是指与乘员的健康和福祉相关的环境质量。这是一个整体概念,其中考虑了几类,每类与特定的环境参数有关。本文介绍了一种低成本的开源硬件体系结构,该体系结构可以检测IEQ计算所需的室内变量,以替代用于此目的的传统硬件。该系统由一些传感器和一个Arduino板组成。 Arduino的主要优势之一是可以将脚本加载到开发板的内存中,并使其在不与计算机连接的情况下运行,从而具有完全的独立性,可移植性和准确性。最近的工作表明,通过结合使用Arduino平台和3D打印机,在其设计中应用开放源代码原则,可以降低科学设备的成本。 3D打印机的发展提供了一种新的开放设计手段,能够加速自我导向的开发。建议的> n ano > E 环境> Mo 硝化> S 系统(nEMoS)仪器显示出良好的可靠性,并且为使用专业传感器以及构思新场景和潜在应用提供了更为关键的方法的基础。



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