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Thermally moderated firefly activity is delayed by precipitation extremes




The timing of events in the life history of temperate insects is most typically primarily cued by one of two drivers: photoperiod or temperature accumulation over the growing season. However, an insect's phenology can also be moderated by other drivers like rainfall or the phenology of its host plants. When multiple drivers of phenology interact, there is greater potential for phenological asynchronies to arise between an organism and those with which it interacts. We examined the phenological patterns of a highly seasonal group of fireflies (Photinus spp., predominantly P. pyralis) over a 12-year period (2004–2015) across 10 plant communities to determine whether interacting drivers could explain the variability observed in the adult flight activity density (i.e. mating season) of this species. We found that temperature accumulation was the primary driver of phenology, with activity peaks usually occurring at a temperature accumulation of approximately 800 degree days (base 10°C); however, our model found this peak varied by nearly 180 degree-day units among years. This variation could be explained by a quadratic relationship with the accumulation of precipitation in the growing season; in years with either high or low precipitation extremes at our study site, flight activity was delayed. More fireflies were captured in general in herbaceous plant communities with minimal soil disturbance (alfalfa and no-till field crop rotations), but only weak interactions occurred between within-season responses to climatic variables and plant community. The interaction we observed between temperature and precipitation accumulation suggests that, although climate warming has the potential to disrupt phenology of many organisms, changes to regional precipitation patterns can magnify these disruptions.
机译:温带昆虫生活史中事件的发生时间通常最主要由以下两个驱动因素之一指示:光周期或整个生长季节的温度积累。但是,昆虫的物候也可以通过其他驱动因素来调节,例如降雨或其宿主植物的物候。当多种物候驱动因素相互作用时,在有机体与其相互作用的生物之间存在较大的发生物候异步的可能性。我们研究了在12年间(2004-2015年)的10个植物群落中一组高度季节性的萤火虫(Photinus spp。,主要为P. pyralis)的物候模式,以确定相互作用的驱动程序是否可以解释成虫的变异性该物种的飞行活动密度(即交配季节)。我们发现温度累积是物候的主要驱动力,活动高峰通常发生在大约800度日(以10°C为基准)的温度累积下。但是,我们的模型发现该峰值在几年中相差近180度-日单位。这种变化可以通过与生长季节降水积累的二次关系来解释。在我们的研究地点出现极端高或低极端的年份,飞行活动被延迟了。一般在草本植物群落中捕获的萤火虫较少,土壤干扰最小(紫花苜蓿和免耕田间轮作),但季节内对气候变量的响应与植物群落之间只有微弱的相互作用。我们观察到的温度与降水积累之间的相互作用表明,尽管气候变暖有可能破坏许多生物的物候,但区域降水模式的变化可以放大这些破坏。



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