首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Emergence of cooperation and division of labor in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata

Emergence of cooperation and division of labor in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata

机译:在原本是社会性的黄蜂Ropalidia marginata中出现了合作与分工



In most primitively eusocial wasps new nests are initiated by a single female or by small groups of females. To study the emergence of division of labor (DOL) among the nest foundresses and to determine its possible effect on nest productivity we maintained newly eclosed females of Ropalidia marginata in small boxes with one, two, or three nestmate wasps of the same age per box. Only one wasp developed her ovaries and laid eggs in each box, while the other wasp(s) built the nest, brought food, and fed larvae, demonstrating the spontaneous emergence of reproductive DOL in the presence of more than one wasp. In nests with three wasps there was also a strong negative correlation between intranidal and extranidal work performed by the two nonreproductive workers, suggesting the spontaneous emergence of nonreproductive DOL; such nonreproductive DOL was absent in nests with two wasps. Both reproductive and nonreproductive DOL were modulated by dominance behavior (DB). In nests with two wasps the egg layer showed significantly more DB than the non-egg layer before nest initiation; in nests with three wasps queens showed significantly more DB than intranidal workers, which in turn showed significantly more DB than extranidal workers. Productivities of nests (as measured by total brood on the day of eclosion of the first adult) initiated by one or two wasps were not different from each other but were significantly lower than that of three wasps. Thus, nonreproductive DOL, and not merely reproductive DOL, is necessary for increase in productivity.
机译:在大多数原始的社会性黄蜂中,新的巢穴是由一个雌性或一小群雌性引发的。为了研究产巢女工之间的分工(DOL)的出现,并确定其对产巢生产力的可能影响,我们将新封闭的Ropalidia marginata雌性饲养在小箱中,每箱中有1、2或3个同龄黄蜂。只有一个黄蜂在每个盒子里发育卵巢,并在每个盒子里产卵,而另一只黄蜂则筑巢,进食并喂食幼虫,这表明在有多个黄蜂的情况下生殖DOL会自发出现。在三只黄蜂的巢中,两名非生殖工作者进行的巢内和巢外工作之间也存在很强的负相关性,这表明非生殖DOL会自发出现。这样的非生殖性DOL在两个黄蜂的巢中不存在。生殖DOL和非生殖DOL均受到优势行为(DB)的调节。在有两次黄蜂的巢中,产蛋前卵层的DB明显高于非蛋层。在有三个黄蜂的巢中,女王/王后显示的DB明显高于同巢内的工人,后者反过来显示的DB也比同巢外的工人多得多。一个或两个黄蜂启动的巢的生产力(以第一个成年的垂死当天的总繁殖量来衡量)彼此没有差异,但显着低于三个黄蜂。因此,非生殖DOL,而不仅仅是生殖DOL,对于提高生产率是必需的。



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