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Why grit requires perseverance and passion to positively predict performance




Prior studies linking grit—defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals—to performance are beset by contradictory evidence. As a result, commentators have increasingly declared that grit has limited effects. We propose that this inconsistent evidence has occurred because prior research has emphasized perseverance and ignored, both theoretically and empirically, the critical role of passion, which we define as a strong feeling toward a personally important value/preference that motivates intentions and behaviors to express that value/preference. We suggest that combining the grit scale—which only captures perseverance—with a measure that assesses whether individuals attain desired levels of passion will predict performance. We first metaanalyzed 127 studies (n = 45,485) that used the grit scale and assessed performance, and found that effect sizes are larger in studies where participants were more passionate for the performance domain. Second, in a survey of employees matched to supervisor-rated job performance (n = 422), we found that the combination of perseverance, measured through the grit scale, and passion attainment, measured through a new scale, predicted higher performance. A final study measured perseverance and passion attainment in a sample of students (n = 248) and linked these to their grade-point average (GPA), finding that the combination of perseverance and passion attainment predicted higher GPAs in part through increased immersion. The present results help resolve the mixed evidence of grit’s relationship with performance by highlighting the important role that passion plays in predicting performance. By adequately measuring both perseverance and passion, the present research uncovers grit’s true predictive power.
机译:先前的研究将坚毅(对长期目标的毅力和激情)与绩效联系起来,这是相互矛盾的证据所困扰。结果,评论员越来越多地宣称沙粒的作用有限。我们认为出现这种不一致的证据是因为先前的研究在理论上和经验上都强调毅力并忽略了激情的关键作用,我们将激情定义为对个人重要价值/偏好的强烈感觉,这种动机/动机激发了意图和行为来表达这一点。值/偏好。我们建议将只能捕获毅力的勇气等级与评估个人是否达到期望的激情水平的量度相结合的方法可以预测表现。我们首先对127项研究(n = 45,485)进行了荟萃分析,这些研究使用了沙砾量表并评估了绩效,发现在参与者对绩效领域更加热情的研究中,效应量更大。其次,在一项对与上司评定的工作绩效相匹配的员工的调查中(n = 422),我们发现通过毅力等级衡量的毅力和通过新等级衡量的激情获得的结合可以预测更高的绩效。一项最终研究测量了样本学生(n = 248)的毅力和热情素养,并将其与他们的平均绩点(GPA)相关联,发现毅力和热情素养的结合可以部分地通过提高沉浸感来预测更高的GPA。目前的结果通过强调激情在预测表现中的重要作用,有助于解决砂砾与表现之间关系的混合证据。通过充分衡量毅力和热情,本研究发现了砂砾的真正预测能力。



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