首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Growing the terrestrial planets from the gradual accumulation of submeter-sized objects

Growing the terrestrial planets from the gradual accumulation of submeter-sized objects




Building the terrestrial planets has been a challenge for planet formation models. In particular, classical theories have been unable to reproduce the small mass of Mars and instead predict that a planet near 1.5 astronomical units (AU) should roughly be the same mass as Earth. Recently, a new model called Viscously Stirred Pebble Accretion (VSPA) has been developed that can explain the formation of the gas giants. This model envisions that the cores of the giant planets formed from 100- to 1,000-km bodies that directly accreted a population of pebbles—submeter-sized objects that slowly grew in the protoplanetary disk. Here we apply this model to the terrestrial planet region and find that it can reproduce the basic structure of the inner solar system, including a small Mars and a low-mass asteroid belt. Our models show that for an initial population of planetesimals with sizes similar to those of the main belt asteroids, VSPA becomes inefficient beyond ∼ 1.5 AU. As a result, Mars’s growth is stunted, and nothing large in the asteroid belt can accumulate.
机译:建立地球行星对行星形成模型是一个挑战。特别是,经典理论无法重现较小的火星质量,而是预测1.5天文单位(AU)附近的行星应该与地球大致相同。最近,开发了一种新模型,称为粘性搅拌小卵石积聚(VSPA),可以解释天然气巨头的形成。该模型设想,巨型行星的核心由100至1000公里的物体组成,这些物体直接积聚了许多卵石-亚微米大小的物体在原行星盘中缓慢生长。在这里,我们将此模型应用于地球行星区域,发现它可以重现内部太阳系的基本结构,包括小火星和低质量小行星带。我们的模型表明,对于最初大小与主带小行星相似的行星小行星,VSPA在〜1.5 AU以上变得无效。结果,火星的生长发育受阻,小行星带中没有大的积聚。



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