首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >KIAA1199 a deafness gene of unknown function is a new hyaluronan binding protein involved in hyaluronan depolymerization

KIAA1199 a deafness gene of unknown function is a new hyaluronan binding protein involved in hyaluronan depolymerization




Hyaluronan (HA) has an extraordinarily high turnover in physiological tissues, and HA degradation is accelerated in inflammatory and neoplastic diseases. CD44 (a cell surface receptor) and two hyaluronidases (HYAL1 and HYAL2) are thought to be responsible for HA binding and degradation; however, the role of these molecules in HA catabolism remains controversial. Here we show that KIAA1199, a deafness gene of unknown function, plays a central role in HA binding and depolymerization that is independent of CD44 and HYAL enzymes. The specific binding of KIAA1199 to HA was demonstrated in glycosaminoglycan-binding assays. We found that knockdown of KIAA1199 abolished HA degradation by human skin fibroblasts and that transfection of KIAA1199 cDNA into cells conferred the ability to catabolize HA in an endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase–dependent manner via the clathrin-coated pit pathway. Enhanced degradation of HA in synovial fibroblasts from patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis was correlated with increased levels of KIAA1199 expression and was abrogated by knockdown of KIAA1199. The level of KIAA1199 expression in uninflamed synovium was less than in osteoarthritic or rheumatoid synovium. These data suggest that KIAA1199 is a unique hyaladherin with a key role in HA catabolism in the dermis of the skin and arthritic synovium.
机译:透明质酸(HA)在生理组织中具有异常高的更新率,并且在炎性和赘生性疾病中HA的降解加速。 CD44(一种细胞表面受体)和两种透明质酸酶(HYAL1和HYAL2)被认为与HA结合和降解有关。但是,这些分子在HA分解代谢中的作用仍存在争议。在这里,我们显示KIAA1199,一个功能未知的耳聋基因,在HA结合和解聚中起着核心作用,独立于CD44和HYAL酶。在糖胺聚糖结合试验中证实了KIAA1199与HA的特异性结合。我们发现,敲除KIAA1199可以消除人皮肤成纤维细胞对HA的降解,并且将KIAA1199 cDNA转染到细胞中可以通过网格蛋白包被的凹坑途径以内-β-N-乙酰氨基葡糖苷酶依赖性方式分解代谢HA。骨关节炎或类风湿性关节炎患者滑膜成纤维细胞中HA的降解增强与KIAA1199表达水平升高相关,并通过敲除KIAA1199来消除。未发炎的滑膜中KIAA1199的表达水平低于骨关节炎或类风湿滑膜。这些数据表明,KIAA1199是一种独特的透明质素,在皮肤真皮和关节炎滑膜中的HA分解代谢中起关键作用。



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