首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Female rats learn trace memories better than male rats and consequently retain a greater proportion of new neurons in their hippocampi

Female rats learn trace memories better than male rats and consequently retain a greater proportion of new neurons in their hippocampi




Learning increases the survival of new cells that are generated in the hippocampal formation before the training experience, especially if the animal learns to associate stimuli across time [Gould E, Beylin A, Tanapat P, Reeves A, Shors TJ (1999) Nat Neurosci 2:260–265]. All relevant studies have been conducted on male rats, despite evidence for sex differences in this type of learning. In the present study, we asked whether sex differences in learning influence the survival of neurons generated in the adult hippocampus. Male and female adult rats were injected with one dose of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; 200 mg/kg), to label one population of dividing cells. One week later, half of the animals were trained with a temporal learning task of trace eyeblink conditioning, while the other half were not trained. Animals were killed 1 day after training (12 days after the BrdU injection). Hippocampal tissue was stained for BrdU and a marker of immature neurons, doublecortin. Both sexes learned to emit the conditioned eyeblink response during the trace interval. As a consequence, more new neurons remained in their hippocampi than in sex-matched controls. In individual animals, the number of surviving cells correlated positively with asymptotic performance; those that expressed more learned responses retained more new neurons. However, animals that learned very well retained even more new cells if they required many trials to do so. Because females emitted more learned responses than males did, they retained nearly twice as many new cells per unit volume of tissue. This effect was most evident in the ventral region of the hippocampal formation. Thus, sex differences in learning alter the anatomical structure of the hippocampus. As a result, male and female brains continue to differentiate in adulthood.
机译:学习可增加训练经验之前海马结构中产生的新细胞的存活,尤其是如果动物学会在一段时间内关联刺激的话[Gould E,Beylin A,Tanapat P,Reeves A,Shors TJ(1999)Nat Neurosci 2 :260–265]。尽管有证据表明这种学习方式存在性别差异,但所有相关研究均在雄性大鼠上进行。在本研究中,我们询问学习中的性别差异是否影响成年海马中神经元的存活。雄性和雌性成年大鼠注射一剂溴脱氧尿苷(BrdU; 200 mg / kg),以标记一组分裂细胞。一周后,对一半的动物进行了短暂的眨眼条件调节学习,而另一半则没有进行训练。训练后1天(注射BrdU后12天)处死动物。将海马组织的BrdU和未成熟神经元标记doublecortin染色。男女都学会了在追踪间隔内发出条件眨眼反应。结果,与性别匹配的对照相比,海马中保留了更多的新神经元。在个别动物中,存活细胞的数量与渐近性能呈正相关;那些表现出更多学习反应的人保留了更多的新神经元。但是,如果需要很多试验,学得很好的动物会保留更多的新细胞。因为女性发出的反应比男性多,所以每单位体积的组织保留的新细胞几乎是两倍。这种作用在海马结构的腹侧区域最明显。因此,学习中的性别差异会改变海马的解剖结构。结果,成年男性和女性大脑继续分化。



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