
The splicing-factor oncoprotein SF2/ASF activates mTORC1

机译:剪接因子癌蛋白SF2 / ASF激活mTORC1



The splicing factor SF2/ASF is an oncoprotein that is up-regulated in many cancers and can transform immortal rodent fibroblasts when slightly overexpressed. The mTOR signaling pathway is activated in many cancers, and pharmacological blockers of this pathway are in clinical trials as anticancer drugs. We examined the activity of the mTOR pathway in cells transformed by SF2/ASF and found that this splicing factor activates the mTORC1 branch of the pathway, as measured by S6K and eIF4EBP1 phosphorylation. This activation is specific to mTORC1 because no activation of Akt, an mTORC2 substrate, was detected. mTORC1 activation by SF2/ASF bypasses upstream PI3K/Akt signaling and is essential for SF2/ASF-mediated transformation, as inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin blocked transformation by SF2/ASF in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, shRNA-mediated knockdown of mTOR, or of the specific mTORC1 and mTORC2 components Raptor and Rictor, abolished the tumorigenic potential of cells overexpressing SF2/ASF. These results suggest that clinical tumors with SF2/ASF up-regulation could be especially sensitive to mTOR inhibitors.
机译:剪接因子SF2 / ASF是一种癌蛋白,在许多癌症中均被上调,并且在略微过表达时可以转化永生的啮齿动物成纤维细胞。 mTOR信号传导途径在许多癌症中均被激活,该途径的药理阻断剂正在作为抗癌药物进行临床试验。我们检查了由SF2 / ASF转化的细胞中mTOR通路的活性,发现该剪接因子激活了该通路的mTORC1分支,如S6K和eIF4EBP1磷酸化所测量。该激活是mTORC1特有的,因为未检测到mTORC2底物Akt的激活。 SF2 / ASF对mTORC1的激活绕过了上游PI3K / Akt信号,对于SF2 / ASF介导的转化至关重要,因为雷帕霉素对mTOR的抑制作用会在体外和体内阻断SF2 / ASF的转化。而且,shRNA介导的mTOR或特定mTORC1和mTORC2组件Raptor和Rictor的敲除消除了过表达SF2 / ASF的细胞的致瘤潜力。这些结果表明,具有SF2 / ASF上调的临床肿瘤可能对mTOR抑制剂特别敏感。



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