首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >From the Cover: A theory for the atmospheric energy spectrum: Depth-limited temperature anomalies at the tropopause

From the Cover: A theory for the atmospheric energy spectrum: Depth-limited temperature anomalies at the tropopause




The horizontal spectra of atmospheric wind and temperature at the tropopause have a steep −3 slope at synoptic scales, but transition to −5/3 at wavelengths of the order of 500–1,000 km [Nastrom, G. D. & Gage, K. S. (1985) J. Atmos. Sci. 42, 950–960]. Here we demonstrate that a model that assumes zero potential vorticity and constant stratification N over a finite-depth H in the troposphere exhibits the same type of spectra. In this model, temperature perturbations generated at the planetary scale excite a direct cascade of energy with a slope of −3 at large scales, −5/3 at small scales, and a transition near horizontal wavenumber kt = f/NH, where f is the Coriolis parameter. Ballpark atmospheric estimates for N, f, and H give a transition wavenumber near that observed, and numerical simulations of the previously undescribed model verify the expected behavior. Despite its simplicity, the model is consistent with a number of perplexing features in the observations and demonstrates that a complete theory for mesoscale dynamics must take temperature advection at boundaries into account.
机译:对流层顶上大气风和温度的水平谱在天气尺度上具有陡峭的-3斜率,但在波长为500-1,000 km时转变为-5/3 [Nastrom,GD&Gage,KS(1985)J大气科学42,950–960]。在这里,我们证明了一个模型,该模型假设对流层中有限深度H上的零潜在涡度和恒定分层N表现出相同类型的光谱。在该模型中,在行星尺度上产生的温度扰动会激发能量的直接级联,在大尺度下,坡度为-3,小尺度下为-5/3,并且在水平波数kt = f / NH附近发生跃迁,其中f为科里奥利参数。对N,f和H进行的大气评估得出的过渡波数接近观察到的跃迁数,先前未描述的模型的数值模拟验证了预期的行为。尽管模型很简单,但它与观测结果中的许多令人困惑的特征是一致的,并表明对于中尺度动力学的完整理论必须考虑边界处的温度对流。



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