首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Enhanced GABAergic inhibition preserves hippocampal structure and function in a model of epilepsy.

Enhanced GABAergic inhibition preserves hippocampal structure and function in a model of epilepsy.




Extensive electrical stimulation of the perforant pathway input to the hippocampus results in a characteristic pattern of neuronal death, which is accompanied by an impairment of cognitive functions similar to that seen in human temporal lobe epilepsy. The excitotoxic hypothesis of epileptic cell death [Olney, J. W. (1978) in Kainic Acid as a Tool in Neurobiology, eds. McGeer, E., Olney, J. W. & McGeer, P. (Raven, New York), pp. 95-121; Olney, J. W. (1983) in Excitotoxins, eds. Fuxe, K., Roberts, P. J. & Schwartch, R. (Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series, Macmillan, London), Vol. 39, pp. 82-96; and Rothman, S. M. & Olney, J. W. (1986) Ann. Neurol. 19, 105-111] predicts an imbalance between excitation and inhibition, which occurs probably as a result of hyperactivity in afferent pathways or impaired inhibition. In the present study, we investigated whether the enhancement of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated (GABAergic) inhibition of neurotransmission by blocking the GABA-metabolizing enzyme, GABA transaminase, could influence the histopathological and/or the behavioral outcome in this epilepsy model. We demonstrate that the loss of pyramidal cells and hilar somatostatin-containing neurons can be abolished by enhancing the level of synaptically released GABA, and that the preservation of hippocampal structure is accompanied by a significant sparing of spatial memory as compared with placebo-treated controls. These results suggest that enhanced GABAergic inhibition can effectively block the pathophysiological processes that lead to excitotoxic cell death and, as a result, protect the brain from seizure-induced cognitive impairment.
机译:大量电刺激输入海马的穿孔通路导致神经元死亡的特征性模式,并伴有与人类颞叶癫痫相似的认知功能损害。癫痫细胞死亡的兴奋毒性假说[Olney,J.W。(1978),在《 Kanicic Acid》中作为神经生物学工具编辑。 McGeer,E.,Olney,J.W。和McGeer,P。(Raven,纽约),第95-121页; M.M.George,P.,P.95-121。 Olney,J.W。(1983)在Excitotoxins编辑。 Fuxe,K.,Roberts,P. J.和Schwartch,R.(《温纳·格林国际研讨会系列》,伦敦麦克米伦,伦敦)。 39,第82-96页;和Rothman,S. M.和Olney,J. W.(1986)Ann。神经元。 [19,105-111]预测了兴奋与抑制之间的不平衡,这可能是由于传入途径中的过度活跃或抑制受损所致。在本研究中,我们调查了通过阻断GABA代谢酶GABA转氨酶增强γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)介导的(GABAergic)对神经传递的抑制作用是否会影响这种癫痫的组织病理学和/或行为结果模型。我们证明,通过增强突触释放的GABA的水平可以消除锥体细胞和含肺门生长抑素的神经元的丢失,并且与安慰剂治疗的对照相比,海马结构的保存伴随着空间记忆的显着节省。这些结果表明,增强的GABA能抑制作用可以有效地阻止导致兴奋性毒性细胞死亡的病理生理过程,从而保护大脑免受癫痫发作引起的认知损害。



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