首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >A general ellipsoid cannot always serve as a model for the rotational diffusion properties of arbitrarily shaped rigid molecules

A general ellipsoid cannot always serve as a model for the rotational diffusion properties of arbitrarily shaped rigid molecules




An ellipsoidally shaped body, or more commonly, an ellipsoid of revolution, is generally assumed to serve as a convenient model for evaluating the rotational diffusion properties of macromolecules. If Perrin's equations for the rotational diffusion coefficients of general ellipsoids can be shown to generate all possible rotational diffusion coefficients, then there would exist at least one equivalent ellipsoidal shape for every arbitrarily shaped rigid body. We investigated the problem by first generating a space, r-space, representing all possible ellipsoidal shapes. We then generated another space, D-space, representing all possible combinations of rotational diffusion coefficients. We then mapped r-space into D-space by using Perrin's equations. Ellipsoidal shapes map into diffusion space in a well-defined manner. The mapping is either 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1; several distinctly different regions of r-space map onto the same regions of D-space. Thus, for some combinations of rotational diffusion coefficients, more than one ellipsoid can be used as a model. Not all of D-space is covered by the mapping of r-space. Therefore, there are combinations of rotational diffusion coefficients that cannot be generated from ellipsoidally shaped bodies. Several examples of rigid body shapes with nonellipsoidal diffusion properties are described.
机译:通常假定椭圆形的物体,或更常见的是旋转椭圆体,用作评估大分子旋转扩散特性的方便模型。如果可以将一般椭圆形的旋转扩散系数的佩林方程式显示为生成所有可能的旋转扩散系数,那么对于每个任意形状的刚体,将至少存在一个等效的椭圆形。我们通过首先生成代表所有可能的椭圆形的空间r空间来研究问题。然后,我们生成了另一个空间D空间,表示旋转扩散系数的所有可能组合。然后,我们使用Perrin方程将r空间映射到D空间。椭圆形以明确定义的方式映射到扩散空间中。映射为1:1、2:1或3:1; r空间的几个截然不同的区域映射到D空间的相同区域。因此,对于旋转扩散系数的某些组合,可以使用一个以上的椭球作为模型。并非所有的D空间都被r空间的映射覆盖。因此,存在不能从椭圆形体产生的旋转扩散系数的组合。描述了具有非椭圆形扩散特性的刚体形状的几个示例。



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