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Spastin Binds to Lipid Droplets and Affects Lipid Metabolism




Mutations in SPAST, encoding spastin, are the most common cause of autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). HSP is characterized by weakness and spasticity of the lower limbs, owing to progressive retrograde degeneration of the long corticospinal axons. Spastin is a conserved microtubule (MT)-severing protein, involved in processes requiring rearrangement of the cytoskeleton in concert to membrane remodeling, such as neurite branching, axonal growth, midbody abscission, and endosome tubulation. Two isoforms of spastin are synthesized from alternative initiation codons (M1 and M87). We now show that spastin-M1 can sort from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to pre- and mature lipid droplets (LDs). A hydrophobic motif comprised of amino acids 57 through 86 of spastin was sufficient to direct a reporter protein to LDs, while mutation of arginine 65 to glycine abolished LD targeting. Increased levels of spastin-M1 expression reduced the number but increased the size of LDs. Expression of a mutant unable to bind and sever MTs caused clustering of LDs. Consistent with these findings, ubiquitous overexpression of Dspastin in Drosophila led to bigger and less numerous LDs in the fat bodies and increased triacylglycerol levels. In contrast, Dspastin overexpression increased LD number when expressed specifically in skeletal muscles or nerves. Downregulation of Dspastin and expression of a dominant-negative variant decreased LD number in Drosophila nerves, skeletal muscle and fat bodies, and reduced triacylglycerol levels in the larvae. Moreover, we found reduced amount of fat stores in intestinal cells of worms in which the spas-1 homologue was either depleted by RNA interference or deleted. Taken together, our data uncovers an evolutionarily conserved role of spastin as a positive regulator of LD metabolism and open up the possibility that dysfunction of LDs in axons may contribute to the pathogenesis of HSP.
机译:编码Spastin的SPAST中的突变是常染色体显性遗传性痉挛性截瘫(HSP)的最常见原因。 HSP的特征是由于长皮质脊髓轴突的进行性逆行变性而导致下肢无力和痉挛。 Spastin是一种保守的微管(MT)切割蛋白,涉及需要重排细胞骨架以协调膜重塑的过程,例如神经突分支,轴突生长,中体脱落和内体管形成。 Spastin的两种同工型是由其他起始密码子(M1和M87)合成的。我们现在显示,spastin-M1可以从内质网(ER)到脂滴和成熟脂滴(LDs)进行分类。由spastin的氨基酸57至86组成的疏水基序足以将报告蛋白引导至LD,而将精氨酸65突变为甘氨酸则消除了LD靶向。 Spastin-M1表达水平的提高减少了数目,但增加了LD的大小。无法结合和切断MT的突变体的表达引起LD的聚集。与这些发现一致的是,果蝇中Dspastin的普遍过量表达导致脂肪体内LD的增多和减少以及三酰甘油水平的升高。相反,Dspastin过表达在骨骼肌或神经中特异性表达时会增加LD数量。 Dspastin的下调和显性负性变体的表达降低了果蝇神经,骨骼肌和脂肪体内的LD数量,并降低了幼虫中的三酰甘油水平。此外,我们发现蠕虫的肠道细胞中的脂肪存储量减少了,其中spas-1同源物被RNA干扰耗尽或被删除。综上所述,我们的数据揭示了spastin作为LD代谢的正向调节剂在进化上的保守作用,并揭示了轴突中LDs的功能障碍可能导致HSP发病的可能性。



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