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Genome Sequencing of the Perciform Fish Larimichthys crocea Provides Insights into Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms of Stress Adaptation

机译:鲈形鱼类Larimichthys crocea的基因组测序提供了有关压力适应的分子和遗传机制的见解



The large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea (L. crocea) is one of the most economically important marine fish in China and East Asian countries. It also exhibits peculiar behavioral and physiological characteristics, especially sensitive to various environmental stresses, such as hypoxia and air exposure. These traits may render L. crocea a good model for investigating the response mechanisms to environmental stress. To understand the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the adaptation and response of L. crocea to environmental stress, we sequenced and assembled the genome of L. crocea using a bacterial artificial chromosome and whole-genome shotgun hierarchical strategy. The final genome assembly was 679 Mb, with a contig N50 of 63.11 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.03 Mb, containing 25,401 protein-coding genes. Gene families underlying adaptive behaviours, such as vision-related crystallins, olfactory receptors, and auditory sense-related genes, were significantly expanded in the genome of L. crocea relative to those of other vertebrates. Transcriptome analyses of the hypoxia-exposed L. crocea brain revealed new aspects of neuro-endocrine-immune/metabolism regulatory networks that may help the fish to avoid cerebral inflammatory injury and maintain energy balance under hypoxia. Proteomics data demonstrate that skin mucus of the air-exposed L. crocea had a complex composition, with an unexpectedly high number of proteins (3,209), suggesting its multiple protective mechanisms involved in antioxidant functions, oxygen transport, immune defence, and osmotic and ionic regulation. Our results reveal the molecular and genetic basis of fish adaptation and response to hypoxia and air exposure. The data generated by this study will provide valuable resources for the genetic improvement of stress resistance and yield potential in L. crocea.
机译:大型黄花鱼Larimichthys crocea(L. crocea)是中国和东亚国家最经济重要的海水鱼之一。它还表现出独特的行为和生理特征,特别是对各种环境压力敏感,例如缺氧和空气暴露。这些特性可能使大花克劳氏菌成为研究环境胁迫响应机制的良好模型。为了解潜在的大隐乳杆菌适应环境和响应环境的分子和遗传机制,我们使用细菌人工染色体和全基因组shot弹枪分级策略对大隐乳杆菌的基因组进行了测序和组装。最终的基因组组装为679 Mb,重叠群N50为63.11 kb,支架N50为1.03 Mb,包含25,401个蛋白质编码基因。与其他脊椎动物的基因相比,大隐乳杆菌的基因组显着扩展了适应行为的基础基因家族,例如视觉相关的晶状体,嗅觉受体和听觉相关的基因。暴露于低氧的大黄鱼大脑的转录组分析揭示了神经内分泌免疫/代谢调节网络的新方面,这些网络可帮助鱼类避免脑炎性损伤并在低氧下维持能量平衡。蛋白质组学数据表明,暴露于空气中的大隐乳酸杆菌的皮肤黏液成分复杂,蛋白质数量异常高(3,209),表明其多种保护机制涉及抗氧化功能,氧气转运,免疫防御以及渗透和离子规。我们的结果揭示了鱼类适应的分子和遗传基础以及对缺氧和空气暴露的响应。这项研究产生的数据将为遗传改良番荔枝抗逆性和产量潜力提供有价值的资源。


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