首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >Substitutions in the capsids of poliovirus mutants selected in human neuroblastoma cells confer on the Mahoney type 1 strain a phenotype neurovirulent in mice.

Substitutions in the capsids of poliovirus mutants selected in human neuroblastoma cells confer on the Mahoney type 1 strain a phenotype neurovirulent in mice.

机译:在人神经母细胞瘤细胞中选择的脊髓灰质炎病毒突变体的衣壳中的取代赋予小鼠Mahoney 1型菌株一种表型神经毒性。



Poliovirus (PV) type 1 mutants selected in human neuroblastoma cells persistently infected (PVpi) with the wild-type Mahoney strain exhibited a mouse-neurovirulent phenotype. Four of the five substitutions present in the capsid proteins of a PVpi were demonstrated to extend the host range of the Mahoney strain to mice. These new mouse-neurovirulent determinants were located in the three-dimensional structure of the viral capsid; two of them (residues 142 of VP2 and 60 of VP3) were located in loops exposed at the surface of the protein shell, whereas the other two (residues 43 of VP1 and 62 of VP4) were located on the inside of the capsid. VP1 residue 43 and VP2 residue 142 substitutions were also selected in a PVpi derived from the attenuated Sabin strain. We suggest that the selective pressure of human neuroblastoma cell factor(s) involved in early steps of PV multiplication could be responsible for the arising of amino acid substitutions which confer adaptation to the mouse central nervous system to PV.
机译:在被野生型Mahoney株持续感染(PVpi)的人神经母细胞瘤细胞中选择的脊髓灰质炎病毒(PV)1型突变体表现出小鼠神经毒力表型。 PVpi的衣壳蛋白中存在的五个取代中的四个被证明可将Mahoney菌株的宿主范围扩展至小鼠。这些新的小鼠神经毒力决定簇位于病毒衣壳的三维结构中。它们中的两个(VP2的残基142和VP3的60)位于暴露在蛋白质外壳表面的环中,而其他两个(VP1的残基43和VP4的残基62)位于衣壳内部。在衍生自减毒的萨宾菌株的PVpi中也选择了VP1残基43和VP2残基142取代。我们建议参与PV增殖的早期步骤的人类神经母细胞瘤细胞因子的选择性压力可能是氨基酸取代产生的原因,这些氨基酸赋予了小鼠中枢神经系统对PV的适应性。



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