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Expression of Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b-Protein Genes Is Phytochrome-Regulated in Etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings

机译:光提取叶绿素a / b蛋白质基因的表达受到植物色素调控拟南芥幼苗中的植物色素的调节。



Phytochrome action results in a large and rapid increase in the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein (LHCP) mRNA level in etiolated seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana: the RNA increase is detectable within 1 hour after 1 minute red illumination, reaches a maximum 30-fold higher than the dark level at ca. 2 hours, and decays back to dark levels by about 8 hours after the brief red illumination. S1 nuclease analysis distinguishes two kinds of mRNAs transcribed from the three members of the LHCP gene family previously characterized for Arabidopsis (LS Leutwiler, EM Meyerowitz, EM Tobin, 1986 Nucleic Acids Res 14: 4051-4064). One of these arises from the AB140 gene, while the other represents the product(s) of the AB165 and/or AB180 gene(s) (AB165/AB180 mRNA). In mature, white light-grown plants, the two kinds of mRNAs are present in nearly equal amounts. In contrast, in etiolated seedlings, 1 minute red light causes a sixfold greater increase in the level of AB140 mRNA than in the level of AB165/AB180 mRNA, although both levels are regulated by phytochrome action. The kinetics of the responses to 1 minute red light are similar for both kinds of transcripts. Additional evidence suggests that this differential expression is developmentally regulated. Because the AB140 gene offers an attractive target for further analysis of phytochrome-regulated gene expression in Arabidopsis, we have further characterized this gene by mapping its 5′ and 3′ transcript termini.
机译:植物色素的作用导致拟南芥黄化幼苗中的光采叶绿素a / b蛋白(LHCP)mRNA水平迅速大量增加:红色照明1分钟后1小时内可检测到RNA的增加,最高可达30 -大约是黑暗水平的两倍。 2小时,并在短暂的红色照明后约8小时衰减回暗水平。 S1核酸酶分析从先前表征为拟南芥属的LHCP基因家族的三个成员中区分出两种转录的mRNA(LS Leutwiler,EM Meyerowitz,EM Tobin,1986 Nucleic Acids Res 14:4051-4064)。其中一个来自AB140基因,另一个代表AB165和/或AB180基因的产物(AB165 / AB180 mRNA)。在成熟的白光生长的植物中,两种mRNA的含量几乎相等。相反,在黄化的幼苗中,1分钟的红光导致AB140 mRNA水平的增加是AB165 / AB180 mRNA水平的六倍,尽管这两个水平均受植物色素的作用调节。两种成绩单对1分钟红灯的响应动力学相似。其他证据表明这种差异表达受到发育调节。因为AB140基因为拟南芥中植物色素调节的基因表达的进一步分析提供了有吸引力的靶标,所以我们通过定位其5'和3'转录物末端进一步表征了该基因。



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