首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Plant Physiology >Control and Kinetics of Branch Root Formation in Cultured Root Segments of Haplopappus ravenii

Control and Kinetics of Branch Root Formation in Cultured Root Segments of Haplopappus ravenii

机译:乌鸦Haplopappus ravenii的培养根段中分支根形成的控制和动力学



Branch root formation required only the presence of minerals, sucrose as a carbon source, and an auxin. The number of primordia formed was a function of auxin concentration. With naphthaleneacetic acid at 0.1 mg/l, up to 60 or more branches were formed per centimeter of Haplopappus ravenii root segment. Under our conditions, pea root segments formed only five or six branches per centimeter, but tomato and radish, like H. ravenii, formed large numbers of branches. Cytokinin inhibited branch formation, while gibberellic acid was without effect. Vitamins were not required for branch formation, although they enhanced elongation. Up to 5 days were required for the maximum number of stable branch primordia to form under the influence of naphthaleneacetic acid. If naphthaleneacetic acid was withdrawn earlier, fewer branch primordia developed. The requirement for a lengthy exposure to naphthaleneacetic acid, the kinetics of the response, and the ease with which naphthaleneacetic acid could be rinsed out of the tissue with consequent cessation of branch root formation, were similar to other hormone-regulated developmental systems. Anatomical and cytological studies were made of segments exposed for various times to auxin. The segments were mostly diarch, and branches formed obliquely to protoxylem poles. While primarily only pericycle-endodermis cells divided, both these and cortex cells responded in the first 24 hours exposure to naphthaleneacetic acid with enlarged nuclei and nucleoli, and a few cortical cells divided. Maximum nucleus and nucleolus size was reached approximately 9 hours after exposure to naphthaleneacetic acid. Branches rarely elongated more than 5 cm before their meristems died. The H. ravenii culture is maintained only by the frequent formation of new naphthaleneacetic acid-induced branches.
机译:分支根的形成仅需要矿物质,作为碳源的蔗糖和生长素的存在。原基形成的数量是生长素浓度的函数。在萘乙酸浓度为0.1 mg / l的情况下,每小ra鸦片根段每厘米最多可形成60个以上的分支。在我们的条件下,豌豆的根段每厘米仅形成五个或六个分支,但是像番茄和萝卜一样,番茄和萝卜也形成了大量的分支。细胞分裂素抑制分支形成,而赤霉素无作用。尽管增加了伸长率,但不需要维生素来形成分支。在萘乙酸的影响下,最多需要5天才能形成稳定的分支原基。如果较早撤除萘乙酸,则较少的分支原基发生。与其他激素调节的发育系统相似,需要长期暴露于萘乙酸,响应动力学以及可以容易地将萘乙酸从组织中冲洗掉,从而停止分支根形成的要求。对不同时间暴露于生长素的片段进行了解剖学和细胞学研究。这些节段多数是帝王制的,并且分支倾斜形成到protoxylem极。虽然主要只有周周内皮细胞分裂,但在暴露于萘乙酸的最初24小时内,这些细胞和皮质细胞均具有扩大的核和核仁反应,并且少数皮质细胞分裂。暴露于萘乙酸后约9小时达到最大核和核仁大小。在分生组织死亡之前,分支很少伸长超过5厘米。仅通过频繁形成新的萘乙酸诱导的分支来维持乌鸦嗜血杆菌的培养。



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