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Two new endemic tree species from Puerto Rico: Pisoniahorneae and Pisoniaroqueae (Nyctaginaceae)




In this paper, we describe two endemic tree species of Pisonia (Caryophyllales: Nyctaginaceae) from Puerto Rico that were erroneously catalogued under the single name Pisonia subcordata var. typica f. gigantophylla, misidentified as P. albida or P. subcordata, and informally named as “P. borinquena” and “P. woodburyana”. The species here named as P. horneae is a rare to locally occasional tree from low elevations in the Northern Karst and the Sierra de Cayey. The other species, here named as P. roqueae, is a rare to locally common tree from mid to high elevations in the Central Mountain Range and the Luquillo Mountains. We provide an account of the taxonomical and nomenclatural history of both species, images, conservation notes, a distribution map, and a key to distinguish the species of Pisonia present in Puerto Rico.
机译:在本文中,我们描述了波多黎各的两个特有的Pisonia树种(石竹科:Nyctaginaceae),这些树种被错误地归类为Pisonia subcordata var。 Typica f。 gigantophylla,错误地标识为 P。 白化病 P。 ,并非正式命名为“ P。 < em class =“ species”> borinquena ”和“ P。 woodburyana ”。在这里被命名为 P。 horneae < / em>是北部喀斯特和塞拉山脉(Sierra de Cayey)低海拔地区局部稀有的树木。其他物种,在这里命名为 P。 roqueae ,是中央山脉和卢基洛山脉中高海拔地区本地罕见的常见树木。我们提供了这两个物种的分类和命名历史,图像,保护说明,分布图以及区分 波多黎各的波斯尼亚



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