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The age and origin of the Pacific islands: a geological overview




The Pacific Ocean evolved from the Panthalassic Ocean that was first formed ca 750 Ma with the rifting apart of Rodinia. By 160 Ma, the first ocean floor ascribed to the current Pacific plate was produced to the west of a spreading centre in the central Pacific, ultimately growing to become the largest oceanic plate on the Earth. The current Nazca, Cocos and Juan de Fuca (Gorda) plates were initially one plate, produced to the east of the original spreading centre before becoming split into three. The islands of the Pacific have originated as: linear chains of volcanic islands on the above plates either by mantle plume or propagating fracture origin, atolls, uplifted coralline reefs, fragments of continental crust, obducted portions of adjoining lithospheric plates and islands resulting from subduction along convergent plate margins. Out of the 11 linear volcanic chains identified, each is briefly described and its history summarized. The geology of 10 exemplar archipelagos (Japan, Izu-Bonin, Palau, Solomons, Fiji, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Society, Galápagos and Hawaii) is then discussed in detail.
机译:太平洋是从罗丹尼亚裂谷而来的潘塔拉西海演化而来,最初形成于750 Ma。到160 Ma,归属于当前太平洋板块的第一块海床产于太平洋中部一个扩散中心的西部,最终成长为地球上最大的海洋板块。当前的纳斯卡(Nazca),可可(Cocos)和胡安·德富卡(Juan de Fuca(Gorda))钢板最初是一盘,在最初的扩散中心东部生产,然后分成三块。太平洋岛屿的起源是:上述板块上的火山岛通过地幔柱羽或传播的断裂起源线性环礁,环礁,隆起的珊瑚礁,大陆壳碎片,岩石圈板块的俯冲部分以及沿俯冲作用形成的岛屿收敛板边距。在确定的11条线性火山链中,简要描述了每条火山链并总结了其历史。然后详细讨论了10个示例群岛(日本,伊豆博宁,帕劳,所罗门群岛,斐济,新喀里多尼亚,新西兰,社会,加拉帕戈斯群岛和夏威夷)的地质情况。



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